Water resistance

I've just watched the best video on this subject on YouTube. I can't post a link due to reasons but if you have any interest look up "Harrison Elmore" and mythbusting water resistance. Certification, Science, and testing the greatest watch the world has ever seen (F91W) lol


Be careful taking anecdotes of brand new watches from a brand already known to have solid attention to detail for the price, a reputation for durability to uphold, and a clear habit of under promising and over delivering and then applying what you learn to any other brand, or even other models within Casio's line-up. These tests say some good things about Casio and their F91w, but they say comparatively little, arguably nothing, about other brands. If it says anything about other brands, it's that brands that sell expensive sports watches with minimal water resistance for hundreds or thousands of times the price of a Casio don't really care at all about keeping your watch protected from water and will gladly refuse to warranty anything water related because they sold you a "splash resistant" 3 or 5 bar wr watch.


Folks get overly concerned about water resistance - my cousin regularly swims in the sea with his old Speedometer Professional (30m w/r) & he's not had any problems. He's had it 10 years at least....

(Wouldn't risk it myself, but it just shows that we are overly paranoid)


Great, factual video. People are largely irrational about water resistance in watches.


The best water resistance videos are Beyond the Press. They have a chamber capable of going to 3000m deep.

What is most interesting is that the watches they test most often fail by the caseback deforming and pushing the entire movement into the crystal stopping the seconds hand. Of course they can't really stop there and they take it all the way to crush depth.



Awesome video thank you for the heads up