Hello Crunchers! So many different things happening lately professionally and personally and I miss checking out what’s going on here in the Crunch. I hope you are all ok and you’re having a great Friday 🙏

You didn't miss much.

We're all ok.

Have a great weekend.


Nice racing strap on your Timex Kostas.👌💯 Have a great weekend and hopefully the next couple of days at least things can slow down a bit for you.


Quartz and classy


Timex nailed it! Take care of your family and business Kostas.


I think this one is a looker Kostas!!


Beautiful timex Kostas. I really love this piece. Have a terrific weekend.


I hope these are all good things! The watch is a showpiece.


I feel you, my man! I am on catch up mode as well. Hope you have a chance to slow down my friend!


I know the feeling, Kostas.

Hope you get some rest this weekend.

& Love that Timex.🤌💯


You look after yourself and prioritise what’s important for you now Kostas 👍🏻

Great looking timey 👏🏻👏🏻


Wonderful panda timex, kostas. Have a great day ahead buddy🍻


A banger, Kostas. Hang in there my friend 💪🏻🍸😎


That has an exuberant amount of wrist presence👌

Kostas you presence is always felt regardless of wruw post or not.

You are one of the pillar of this community. Enjoy some time off we will all still be here for you my friend!



Beautiful strap for that gorgeous Timex amigo Kostas! Hope everything is turning right for you my friend..🤗


Classic perfection 👌