Wedding watch?

Just joined watchcrunch, excited to be here!

My wedding is coming up in a month. As nervous as I am about the wedding, I’ve been obsessing over which watch I should wear on our special day.

My top contenders are:

  • Green Cartier Tank LM - it’s thin and green, which goes with my tuxedo

  • Tudor Black Bay - a gift from my wife when we got engaged. It my not match the tux but it has a lot of sentimental value to me

What do you think? And what did you wear/plan to wear on your wedding day?


Welcome. I would go with the green.


Welcome! And congrats! And would def go with the tank 👌🏻


I would go with the Cartier (green) 💚. Now you will have two watches that are part of your milestones and will be special for you! Also it will pair well with your tux.


Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding. Normally I would go with the Tank for such a formal occasion such as your wedding but considering the Black Bay was a gift from your wife to be, I would choose it.




Go with the Cartier.


Welcome to Watch Crunch and Enjoy! The tank just rolls perfectly with what you are wearing & speaks to the occasion well. The Tudor was given with love from your fiance. I would wear the Tuodr because she gave ot to you. She will be wearing her engagement ring. The Tudor is a love statement. Watches are about time. The Tudor says you value time with her more than anything. You will see the Tuodor in many pictures of the day. This is a one day in life moment. Wear the symbol of love versus matching a style


I would go with the Cartier (green) 💚. Now you will have two watches that are part of your milestones and will be special for you! Also it will pair well with your tux.

This is 💯!


Wow, joining WC AND getting married?!? Congratulations on both of those equally significant milestones. May she understand you half as well as we do.

Wear the tank.

Bonus Advice: If you get halfway to the wedding venue and realize you’ve forgotten the watch, DON’T GO BACK FOR IT. Not having a watch on will not diminish a day laden with nonhorological meaning, but making your bride wait is a bad move you’ll never live down (take it from someone whose parents missed the wedding rehearsal and still has it come up 25 years later).


One for the ceremony and one for the celebration is the way to go!

Congratulations 👏 in advance!


If the Tudor was the engagement watch, I’d wear that. Nobody is going to know or notice you wearing a dive watch with your tux. And if they do, I bet they’ll know the origin story.

Seems like an easy one… but I’m single, so take it for what it’s worth.


Congratulations on the pending nuptials. As others have said, the tank seems to be the best choice to match the suite. My only suggestion is to ask your fiancée if she would prefer the Tudor, even though it doesn't match the suite, since there is that sentimental attachment as it was a gift from her. Just a thought.


That green tank looks so classy, definitely suits for a wedding


Talk to the soon to be wifey about it but get the Tank.


The Cartier makes a ridiculous amount of sense versus its competition.

I've been married twice... I don't think I still own the watch I wore on either occasion. I've never really imbued an object with that much power or responsibility or sentimentality; such things end up becoming 'sacred objects' and an albatross around your neck.


Go with the Cartier. The occasion calls for something dressy


I'll give you an important advice:

Happy wife, happy life. Always!!

Take the Tudor.


+1 for the Tank

… and please get the sleeves of your suit adjusted to your arm length 😇 then you have one dapper outfit.




Cartier for the ceremony, Tudor for the reception!

I envy your choices… for my wedding, I wore (I’m slightly embarrassed to admit this) a Vincero watch. I was young and knew little about watches… but I received it in a giveaway from Antonio Centeno from RMRS, which is cool. Still a fairly handsome watch, went well with the suit.


Welcome and Congratulations 🍾


Welcome to WC Jae. Definitely the Tank. Congratulations 👏🏽


Tudor. Choose function ( something that displays your connection to your soon to be wife) over form. That watch will be even more special as it continues to provide landmarks through your life. That is what makes watches great.


Go with the Tank. Firstly because it's the proper thing to do classification wise. Secondly since it suits color wise. If you are going to listen to the crowd that says "wear anything you want" then go buy a G-Shock that is orange or a Timex that is yellow or something zany if you wanna go down the route of "no rules, everyone should do anything all the time for any occasion" 😆

Or better you, give me the Tank since you clearly don't know how and when to use it and it is going to waste on you since you won't even wear it when it's actually supposed to be worn. Give to me for free I'll pay shipping tho, and I guarantee to actually use it at the proper times. 🤣🤣

If you are going to a pub, bar, club, resort, poolside for whatever, out with friends, then wear the Tudor...that's what it's for.


Cartier, no other way


Definitely the Cartier!


I didn’t wear a watch at all on mine. Just pick what you like the most, it’s not as if anyone would really care other than the wearer.


Thanks everyone for the kind words and advice! My partner and I decided to go with the Tank during the ceremony, and switch to the Black Bay for the reception 🙌


Best of both worlds! Congratulations and may it be a wonderful start to a beautiful marriage. 🍻


Hey Jae, you decided yet? Congratulations again on the upcoming wedding…