I'm a big fan of 1960s movies. 1WC task

That's a lie, I rarely watch films at all, let alone films from before my own mother was born. Saying that, I decided to write a little poem partly inspired by a 1965 film and about my watch of the moment, the Rolex Air King. Hope you like it. And no, it's got nothing to do with @Aurelian and the #1wc... #lies

Horology's finest, precision's delight, Exquisite craftsmanship, a marvel in sight. Luxurious design, both classic and bold, Effortlessly blending the new with the old. Noble in purpose, each second it marks, Timekeeper supreme, igniting watch sparks. Hands that glide smoothly, no detail ignored, A testament to quality, endlessly adored. New era embraced, yet heritage retained, Air King 126900, perfection maintained. Timeless elegance, through decades it sings, On every wrist, the majesty it brings. Gleaming in steel, with precision it shows, Every moment captured, as time flows. Neatly designed, for the modern connoisseur, Orchestrating moments, both simple and pure. Unique in its essence, a watch to treasure, Symbol of Rolex, beyond any measure.


AI generated??


AI generated??

Haha, mostly no. Firstly, I had no idea what an acrostic poem was, so had to look that up, then I did get chatGPT to rewrite a couple of bits, and Google is great at coming up with synonyms when I've used the same word before.

