Quick question

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but with watches people not in the know ,like me, are trying to get a feeling for doing the correct thing. My mom gave me dads 6138-7000 seiko slide rule watch. It is missing the cursor ring. I found a reproduction on e bay. Is it better to have an aftermarket part than no part at all? I think get it while i can and don't look back. Quick advise or does anyone know where a correct one would be


There's no 'correct' thing except being transparent & honest when selling the watch, passing it down or simply telling it's story.

For me, having a fully functional watch is better than a not fully functional watch, even if that means using an aftermarket part.


Do it.

Joshua…….Islamorada, FL. 33036


If you are interested in having it completely original, I would go to an Authorized Seiko Distributor to ask if they can get you the original part and maybe have it inspected and serviced if needed.


Definitely buy the recreation part now. And if you can ever find an authentic one, you can always install that one instead.

I don't think a seiko dealer will be any help with sourcing parts for a 50+ year old vintage watch, but I guess it couldn't hurt to try. You might have better luck trying to connect with some of the old timers over at the Seiko Citizen Watch Forum.


It really only matters if you plan to resell it, and considering the sentimental value, it sounds like it's here to stay. May as well have it functioning the way your father did.


Oh its never gonna leave my possisition and i don't plan on saying it is something it is not. I have quite a few never been worn watches.People don't believe me, but it doesn't matter. I know they are new, and some day ill have the 6138 serviced.


Definitely buy the recreation part now. And if you can ever find an authentic one, you can always install that one instead.

I don't think a seiko dealer will be any help with sourcing parts for a 50+ year old vintage watch, but I guess it couldn't hurt to try. You might have better luck trying to connect with some of the old timers over at the Seiko Citizen Watch Forum.

thanks buddy,


There's no 'correct' thing except being transparent & honest when selling the watch, passing it down or simply telling it's story.

For me, having a fully functional watch is better than a not fully functional watch, even if that means using an aftermarket part.

Thanks man, i'm with you.


Do it.

Joshua…….Islamorada, FL. 33036

yes sir,