Temptations along the way

Hi family,

I was just wandering... 🤔💭 How do you manage to keep your mind and actions focused to obtain your next piece?

I am currently saving for one of my most wanted and liked watches, the Zenith Chronomaster Original with a black dial and three-colour sub-dials. I really like and want that watch🙏🏻, but it is not a cheap one. I have to save for a long time to be able to afford that piece.


However, as longer the time, most difficult is stay on my track. Lots of new pieces appear along the way, which makes it so difficult.

I've already fallen and sin: I bought the new Kurono Tokyo watch. I couldn't miss that opportunity.😅


Then, as I'm saving the money and having each month a bit more on my account, some pieces appear that I am or I’ll be able to afford, and they’re so desirable: they’re tempting me!😱

Currently there are three pieces, but there'll be more for sure:

The Serica 5303 COSC.


The vertex M36, which I really like a lot!


And the amazing new Christopher Ward, The Twelve X. I think this is a really stunning and amazing piece. I haven't fallen there because I believe that it would be too large for my tiny wrist.


I'm really trying to save money; maybe I'll need to buy some blinders like the ones for the donkeys or horses.😂


How do you manage? Any tips and ideas? or maybe just fall and sin.


Sorry I can’t give much advise as I fall every time. 😥

But I would choose the Zenith over the other 3 though.


Delayed gratification is a key component of mental health. Stay strong!


You have to start seeing through the cheap ones for what they are. Start looking at their build quality... where they're made... the kind of fairy dust being employed (a PO Box in a cool European country while everything else happens in China is always a dead giveaway), and just ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Is this better than what I'm saving for?" And if you cave and think you must have it, and it's as good as what you're saving for, then maybe you aren't ready for the nicer stuff. I don't say that in a pejorative way, either. I simply say that if you think having a bunch of cheapies is what you really want, and they scratch the itch the same as the expensive watch... then just buy them. Enjoy them. But when you've had enough of that, and you've built up the fortitude to wait, and have something of genuine quality, that's really stunning, and reminds you of the struggle to get there... then you will be ready, and you'll be able to do it. That's as simple as I can break it down.


Sorry I can’t give much advise as I fall every time. 😥

But I would choose the Zenith over the other 3 though.

I would too!! Of course. But I always can fall for something and wait more to het to the Zenith.😅😅

But I’ll be strong… or I hope so.🤪


Delayed gratification is a key component of mental health. Stay strong!

I’ll try. Thanks!!!


You have to start seeing through the cheap ones for what they are. Start looking at their build quality... where they're made... the kind of fairy dust being employed (a PO Box in a cool European country while everything else happens in China is always a dead giveaway), and just ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Is this better than what I'm saving for?" And if you cave and think you must have it, and it's as good as what you're saving for, then maybe you aren't ready for the nicer stuff. I don't say that in a pejorative way, either. I simply say that if you think having a bunch of cheapies is what you really want, and they scratch the itch the same as the expensive watch... then just buy them. Enjoy them. But when you've had enough of that, and you've built up the fortitude to wait, and have something of genuine quality, that's really stunning, and reminds you of the struggle to get there... then you will be ready, and you'll be able to do it. That's as simple as I can break it down.

I’m just calling for encouragement to be strong on my path… that’s the point on this post. I know the Zenith is better of those three, but I like them also for what they are and give. The CW is a strong one, I nearly thank it being too large for me😅😅


While it will conceptually take longer, in your case I would suggest two funds. Your Zenith fund and your other watches fund. Every payday you set aside what you have been but you designate X% is for the Zenith and Y% is for any watch you want. Your rule is to pretend the X balance doesn't exist it is like a utility bill (already spoken for). If you hold the line you spend X and Y on the Zenith but if you get tempted you know you are allowed to use your Y balance on any watch you happen to want.

It will take longer this way but it should solve the issue of feeling like you are cheating. In theory. If I am set on a watch I just save up for it and get it or if I decide it isn't worth the saving I abandon it as something I plan to buy.


I’m just calling for encouragement to be strong on my path… that’s the point on this post. I know the Zenith is better of those three, but I like them also for what they are and give. The CW is a strong one, I nearly thank it being too large for me😅😅

Then hopefully my post has shown you some things. Namely, that there are temptations out there... yes... and if you want to take them up, it's not a failure, per se, it's more an indication of where your mind is at with regard to what you want in a general sense.

There is no right or wrong to this.

My overall point being, when you really want it, you will really make the effort.


I too, am weak...😪


Best way? Stop reading about watches and stay off WC 😂


Save & buy your Grail.

Got mine in 2020, little else appeals now as it'd be stealing wrist time, so I rarely am tempted. Don't think I've actually bought a watch since I got it, tho I have swapped a few.


I prefer the Kurono Tokyo over the Zenith honestly.

Just remember that everyone has their own watch journey & it's suppose to bring you joy while not breaking the bank

It might take longer & have many detours but I think that's part of the fun


Yeah let me know when you figure it out. I want to save for a James Lamb for my 50th in 2026 but there are so many other watches at lower prices that I want .... Like even this Alato on Kickstarter. Ugh.


While it will conceptually take longer, in your case I would suggest two funds. Your Zenith fund and your other watches fund. Every payday you set aside what you have been but you designate X% is for the Zenith and Y% is for any watch you want. Your rule is to pretend the X balance doesn't exist it is like a utility bill (already spoken for). If you hold the line you spend X and Y on the Zenith but if you get tempted you know you are allowed to use your Y balance on any watch you happen to want.

It will take longer this way but it should solve the issue of feeling like you are cheating. In theory. If I am set on a watch I just save up for it and get it or if I decide it isn't worth the saving I abandon it as something I plan to buy.

Oooo now this i like! Hiding money from myself is usually the best way around this. Smashing idea!!!


I personally focus on enjoying what I’ve got at the moment. Sometimes a new strap gives me that novelty feeling for a few weeks spending next to nothing. All of this while saving consistently towards a new piece.


Yeah let me know when you figure it out. I want to save for a James Lamb for my 50th in 2026 but there are so many other watches at lower prices that I want .... Like even this Alato on Kickstarter. Ugh.

If I find a way I'll let you know, if not at least I can act as a bad example.😜


Go get straps instead of watches - make the effort to really explore the colour options and do what you normally would. Put bracelets on watches you've got straps on and vice-versa.

Sometimes a change of looks can equate to a new watch. At least get that rush fixed for a little while to hold our for the el grand prize.

I'm not into changing straps a lot. Once I found one that suits a watch, I like it to stay. It becomes part of the watch. But I'll try and let you know if it works.


Go get straps instead of watches - make the effort to really explore the colour options and do what you normally would. Put bracelets on watches you've got straps on and vice-versa.

Sometimes a change of looks can equate to a new watch. At least get that rush fixed for a little while to hold our for the el grand prize.

I just bought three. One for the new Kurono that is to come (no way I'm going to wear that black boring strap on a daily basis). Another "special" for my BB54 (you'll see a review in a few days, but it's a surprise). And following a family member suggestion, another for my future Zenith, as a way to make me focus on saving for it (maybe it helps).😂


I bought my grail, and that has stymied my desire to go for more. Sure, there's a few timepieces that I've got my eye on, but every time that I think I should buy, I think about how they all will play second fiddle to my grail.

I don't consider the Zebith my "grail". My grail would be the Vacheron American 1921, or the 222. Watches that I'll never be able to afford; that's what I see as a "grail".

The Zenith it's just the best chronograph that I can barely afford - "best" in terms of my taste and preferences -.


It’s a tough one as I have fallen into the immediate gratification trap many times!

Yes, I understand you. It's difficult for me to be patient, to wait.


Step one: Buy used (let someone else take the biggest hit), enjoy and wear them, sell them all when you have total in sale value to buy zenith. Go back to step one.

That could be a very good way to enjoy it. But these are new watches, there are not used. Maybe the Serica, but that's the easiest to avoid.


Delayed gratification ym friend. . It's all discipline. If the zenith is the one you want, don't sacrifice. Stay the course it will be worth it. That being said.... They're just watches. Hah

I'll try. I wrote this post just to try to gain encouragement to get my Zenith.


That's what I try. I think that's the correct way. But it's not easy.

No it's not.

But the thing we appreciate most in life are usually the things we have to work hardest for.

It's definitely worth it.

Good luck 🤞🏻🍀👍


I found another hobby and waded in neck deep. Didn’t buy a watch for 9 months until I got the email from Helm last week. Now I won’t buy one until July, which was my original goal!


No it's not.

But the thing we appreciate most in life are usually the things we have to work hardest for.

It's definitely worth it.

Good luck 🤞🏻🍀👍

That’s totally true!


I found another hobby and waded in neck deep. Didn’t buy a watch for 9 months until I got the email from Helm last week. Now I won’t buy one until July, which was my original goal!

Save for the Zenith means months if not years of patience. I hope I can do it


Save for the Zenith means months if not years of patience. I hope I can do it

You can! And it will be worth it. Good luck!


You can! And it will be worth it. Good luck!



I have a 3 day rule. Once I decide I want to “buy” a watch, I wait three days. 99% of the time, by day three I’ve found some other watch I find equally intriguing. If that’s the case, the first one couldn’t have been that special.


I have a 3 day rule. Once I decide I want to “buy” a watch, I wait three days. 99% of the time, by day three I’ve found some other watch I find equally intriguing. If that’s the case, the first one couldn’t have been that special.

I try to do the same, eith with two-three months. 😅