Is the GMW-B5000 a low profile watch?

I’ve always appreciated gshock squares because they don’t draw too much attention (perhaps only from fellow watch enthusiasts). What do you think about the GMWB5000? I’m mostly concerned with the professional setting, where I best not appear ostentatious to my coworkers and customers. Will people just think it’s a plain old Casio?


It’s pretty shiny to be low profile.


I have the full titanium MR-G version (on a bracelet) and it's one of my stealth watches. Nobody cares or comments on it. Great travel watch. I suspect people see the digital display and immediately dismiss it, which is great.


I don't think a G-shock is ever a "low profile" watch since it's so bulky.


If those same coworkers wear the new Apple Tough watch, you'd be just as ostentatious as them, granted in a much more Suave fashion.

Real watches > Smart watches