Got The Itch

When I look at all the WRUW posts I see sho many watches I want to go buy, it's gonna break me! Anybody else have this issue?


Sure, but I can't afford any of them 😂


Sure, but I can't afford any of them 😂

me either


It's fun to dream a little! Always itchin'


Yup I’m a junky


That is why we are in this support group.


I know. I gotta stop browsing here. I’m at the end of my collecting and I’m settled on possible 3 exit watches, I’ll only buy one. Makes it hard to see all these awesome watches that are priced below the 3 and I could easily buy them. I’m ending it because I’ve found that of the 12 watches (had about 20 4 years ago) I only really wear 4.


That’s why this app was developed