Vacation strap dilemma

Hi everyone, at the end of July I’ll be going on a trip to a rural family resort. Think hiking, swimming, campfires, pickleball, etc. I’d like to only bring my Duro, but just today my rubber strap broke. I’d also like to not fiddle with a spring bar tool while I’m away. Would you buy a new rubber strap and where only that, or bring two NATOs and swap them to let one dry as I wear the other? I only have one NATO so both would require a purchase.

I’m thinking the rubber might be sweaty in the heat, although great in the pool.

The NATOs would be more soggy when they get wet but the ability to switch them out is convenient.

187 votes ·

One of my favorites is the Barton Elite. It’s a very confortable “rubber” with quick release, so no fumbling with spring bars. Take mutiple


I would take just one NATO, they dry pretty quickly. I’ve never had an issue with them being too soggy after swimming or such. But, taking two isn’t a bad idea either.


I don't like soggy or sweaty nato. Go rubber!


I second the Barton strap suggested by @watchmywatch. They are inexpensive, soft and comfortable, and have tons of holes for adjustment throughout the day when your wrist expands for that perfect fit. When I can only bring one strap for multiple days in the summer heat, they are my go-to because I know I won't have any fitting issue.


I just bought a NATO from Veblenist. It is so comfortable and flexible that I immediately purchased 2 more for other watches. My new summer strap option.


One of my favorites is the Barton Elite. It’s a very confortable “rubber” with quick release, so no fumbling with spring bars. Take mutiple

Thanks for the rec!


Why not buy a sailcloth strap? I am sitting here in the sun, 36 degrees and wear my watch with a sailcloth strap. Not sweaty, easy to clean and also swimming is a non issue. My first summer with a sailcloth strap and I am a fan.


Why not buy a sailcloth strap? I am sitting here in the sun, 36 degrees and wear my watch with a sailcloth strap. Not sweaty, easy to clean and also swimming is a non issue. My first summer with a sailcloth strap and I am a fan.

I have one but it’s leather lined. I assumed they were all that way. I’ll have to look into more.


MN, Sailcloth. #ABN

Anything but NATO


I have one but it’s leather lined. I assumed they were all that way. I’ll have to look into more.

The one I am wearing is from strapco. No leather.


Rubber nato, best of both worlds? Or maybe the worst...

I actually like your two-nato idea. I too find rubber to be too sweaty on really hot and humid days.

Ever think of trying shark mesh? Breathes like crazy, and doesn't soak up water. I bet it would look great on your duro, too.


Rubber nato, best of both worlds? Or maybe the worst...

I actually like your two-nato idea. I too find rubber to be too sweaty on really hot and humid days.

Ever think of trying shark mesh? Breathes like crazy, and doesn't soak up water. I bet it would look great on your duro, too.

I haven’t, the look has never really spoken to me in photos but I’ll see how it looks on the Duro.


I prefer rubber for water activities.

A spring bar tool isn’t much of an ask though. Small ones are the size of a short pencil.

Quick release straps are great too 👍


Rubber straps make me itchy, so I’d go with a couple of NATOs. Just make sure you have quality spring bars and not the shuts that sometimes get sent with NATOs. Have a good trip! 🚀


My NATO straps dry on my wrist. It's nylon, in summer it dries in 30 minutes.


I’d buy a quick release rubber


*obvious bracelet recommendation*

Also, maybe consider one perlon?