Good Watch Bad Watch: Critique my watch timing app!

For the past several years, I have been building myself my ideal watch timing web app. Because I wasn't happy with what else was on the market, free or paid, I put my day job skills to work to give myself the tools I always wanted.

I believe has just about reached the point that it can be a worthy paid service. But, before I make that jump, I was hoping to get some testers to give it a spin and let me know what they think. Because I have tailor made this thing for my own needs, I'm really curious to see how users see it with fresh eyes. Is it confusing? Are there pain points? Do you have different needs for features to work differently? Does it completely fail to work on your computer/phone?

I have opened the app up to the world, so anyone can register for free and start using it on any device. Anyone who takes time to test it out for me and give feedback, no matter how harsh, will get free membership for life.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to give it a try!


Update: it looks like my email sending service may have beef with some of your email providers. If you don't quickly receive the account verification email after registering, please let me know. I can manually activate your account to get you in


Doesn’t allow me to register….


Doesn’t allow me to register….

Not seeing anything useful in the server logs. I'll message you directly to get you sorted


Me too doesn’t allow me to register


Me too doesn’t allow me to register

Sounds like I may have a bug somewhere I need to patch. I'll message you directly to get you sorted


Me too doesn’t allow me to register

I finally tracked down the issue and fixed it. Should be ready to roll now!


When you tap on the address in the address bar, are you seeing "http" or "https"? The server should be forcing https, but that's what I found had stopped working last night


If you see "http", you should be able to pop an s on the end yourself