When buying a new watch, what factor is the MOST important in your decision?

Choose the factor that decides whether you purchase a timepiece or not, or the most crucial item to you that must be present. I’d love to hear the discussion in the comments below!

387 votes ·

None of the above.

My primary factor is design/style. Everything else is secondary to that. If I don’t like the look of a watch nothing else has any relevance.

  1. Price (obviously)

  2. Size

  3. Design/type/looks

  4. Movement/quality/features I look for

  5. Brand/heritage

  6. Other features and qirks

Might be my ranking, what did I miss 🤔


The way it looks


My standard answer every time this question is asked is



None of the above.

My primary factor is design/style. Everything else is secondary to that. If I don’t like the look of a watch nothing else has any relevance.

Bingo! It's looks by a HUGE margin over everything else.


I have found that after quiet some time the real test is if I can see myself wearing it everyday. Have 3-4 watches like that will really make you refine your luxury collection


E what it looks like


Basically all 4 factors


Antimagnetic level


I have larger wrists, and feel best with 42mm-46mm, so I usually begin there.



Nothing else matters if the watch is too big or small.


None of the above.

My primary factor is design/style. Everything else is secondary to that. If I don’t like the look of a watch nothing else has any relevance.

This is me too, surprising omission. Are we just choosing from the ones presented, though, OP? As in “of these four factors which is most important?”


I buy a new watch almost as a matter of habit or timing, by the time I am pulling out my credit card to pay, the factors will have been debated as nauseam mentally already unless I am sitting at some ad suddenly decide that my life is going to be better with a new watch. Honestly takes me more thinking about a new pair of shoes or a suit when I was still working 5 days each week.


Price, aesthetics and features (not necessarily in that order!)


Dial is most important to me, followed by case design and movement.


It has to look good.

It has to fit into my collection.

It has to be a good shape for my wrist.

It has to have a philosophy and brand I agree with.

I have to like it.

And finally, it has to be within my budget. The Omega Speedmaster might tick all but the last box, but when one's watch budget is a few hundred dollars, well...

There are many factors that go into a watch purchase decision, and there isn't one most important one for all purchases. Price is the final checkpoint, in a way.


None of the above.

My primary factor is design/style. Everything else is secondary to that. If I don’t like the look of a watch nothing else has any relevance.

Exactly. If I don't like the way a watch looks, and it doesn't bring me any joy, all the stuff in this poll is irrelevant.


Actually, the most important factor for me is - do I like the watch and would I wear it regularly. I don’t buy watches to impress others - but for my own enjoyment.

Only occasionally have I had someone even notice the watch I was wearing.




Design is first But that also assumes all of the other items are in order. I probably won’t even look at the design of a watch that doesn’t have the technology locked down within. I feel like this can be improperly, chocked up to only buying expensive watches for the sake of buying expensive watches, but it is not. It is about a base level of quality existing first.


The most important factor?

My state of mind when I find a watch. 😉


1.- Price

2.- Size

3.- WR and Movement


I used to think it was water resistance but I plan to purchase a watch that turns out to resist only 3atm. After a few days I decided it was worth it and am still going to get it.


If only someone had asked this question in a poll before.

Absolutely groundbreaking. Stunningly so.

Fantastic line of thought.

I eagerly await the outcome of this poll.

Lives will be changed.

The hobby will never be the same.

I like French fries.


Lume and/or legibility.


I find all four options hard to relate to.


Deisgn and price point are the first things I look at

  • Then all the others when comparing 1 piece against another


Everyone always forgets "how it looks" in these polls or combines separate attributes into one option.


E. Price.

A, B, C, D have to be there too, but if E. is out of reach then it don't matter.

  1. How does it look

  2. Is it shit

  3. Can I afford it