First post and I already ask for HELP!

Hi all, I need your advice as not sure what to do myself. By the way, normally my default mode is to stay in the shadows on the tinternet - personal trait of character I guess.. However, few things happened in my life recently that are not ideal and one deals with WatchCrunch. When one thing goes wrong, another one follows after - that time of a year, oh dear. Anyway, I have been sharing a daily shot of a beautiful watch for everyone to enjoy for some 3 months but recently (10 or so days ago) my count was zeroed. At the time an email was sent to support but I had no reply.. I have sent another one few days after, all without beef.To make things worse, within last 24 hours they have zeroed what I have built up since then AGAIN LOL although I always post within the same London timezone. Every calendar day of the year, within the 24 hour window. Proof is in the pudding i.e. my gallery.. I don"t understand why would this happen as even when I was the sickest, I have still managed to take a #wurw as per schedule even on days I was really (and I mean it) poorly. Don't get me wrong, I am not in it for some points or gratification but as I have grown to enjoy this portal over time - any badge I was given made me feel warm and fuzzy inside at the time. Does anyone know how to get round this, get it all restored so I can keep enjoying it again in the naive fashion as I used to? Your help is appreciated. It is what it is and if nothing can be done then fine, I can suck it up, acknowledge and move on yet would like to not go down without a fight. No stopping to a daily wrist shot! All the best, keep enjoying your watches crunchers and stay tuned in for more awesome vintage digitals until I run outta 😅


Sorry to hear that!

I have no idea how to help but I hope you can contact them and fix it. Good luck!


First welcome to posting outside #wruw. I had a similar experience, I did as you did and emailed support and continued to post in #wruw. I did not hear anything for a week or so but after a time my count was retried including what I continued to post. I have been going strong ever since.


@WatchCrunch.Tech.Support this happened to me last year when the site had a glitch. WatchCrunch was able to restore everything


First welcome to posting outside #wruw. I had a similar experience, I did as you did and emailed support and continued to post in #wruw. I did not hear anything for a week or so but after a time my count was retried including what I continued to post. I have been going strong ever since.

Aww, thx buddy. Gives me hope!🥰


@WatchCrunch.Tech.Support this happened to me last year when the site had a glitch. WatchCrunch was able to restore everything

Wowzer, had no idea this can be so common yet so glad to hear a success story there. Thank you for a word of encouragement.


I don’t have anything to add except I hope this gets resolved for you, and I’m glad you chose to speak up. I’m not much for social media myself, but I think there are good conversations to be had and things to learn here. Hopefully you stay engaged.


Good luck. Hope everything is fixed.


I don’t have anything to add except I hope this gets resolved for you, and I’m glad you chose to speak up. I’m not much for social media myself, but I think there are good conversations to be had and things to learn here. Hopefully you stay engaged.

There are certainly many good convos here indeed but mostly about mechanicals.. I am ashamed to not know much about those! Still have a lifelomg feelong of guilt for dissasembling all of my grandfather's watches when I was a little silly little boy. How gutted he must have felt, how loving was he to let me get away with it.. 😇


Good luck. Hope everything is fixed.

Cheers, who knows. I shall give it another day shall I? 😂


Keep posting so you don't lose your streak. This happened to me back in September of last year. It took some time but it did get resolved. Just make sure you don't miss your actual posting streak.


I believe If you set out to do something, you should do it well.

If you make the effort to make posts I think you should be rewarded.

Here’s a follow from me.


There are certainly many good convos here indeed but mostly about mechanicals.. I am ashamed to not know much about those! Still have a lifelomg feelong of guilt for dissasembling all of my grandfather's watches when I was a little silly little boy. How gutted he must have felt, how loving was he to let me get away with it.. 😇

My daughter dropped my grandfathers pocket watch and broke the crystal. It made me sad, but kids are more important than watches.