Exit watch/no watch purchases till grail?

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while, I bought some cheaper watches, some homages, some aren’t in hopes of sparking some kind of excitement, which I realize might have been the wrong motive, but lesson learned, that’s part of my watch journey.

I got my eyes on a general grail, but financially speaking, it’s far away, at least a few years for me.

Would you hold back on any impulse or non-impulse buy, just to save for that ultimate grail?

Would buying accessories only if needed and avoiding filling that watch box with extra watches I rarely wear a feasible feat?

We’re kinda in this world of ultimate instant gratification and I’m trying my best to avoid that, by making smart purchasing decisions from now on, what about you?

What holds you back from those silly smaller purchases? What practices satiate your appetite for watches without actually spending much money?

I’d love to hear from you all


I am looking for an exit (maybe) watch for my 50 birthday coming up in a little less than a year. I just spoke to my AD about the explorer. Not sure if I like it . It does look good on a grey nato but my tells me that I like everything on a grey nato. Never tried one on, but I do like the ranger. I have never spent more than 5 k on a watch. I am sure it won't be a problem. I thought 3 k was crazy but that is like buying a candy bar now.


I am looking for an exit (maybe) watch for my 50 birthday coming up in a little less than a year. I just spoke to my AD about the explorer. Not sure if I like it . It does look good on a grey nato but my tells me that I like everything on a grey nato. Never tried one on, but I do like the ranger. I have never spent more than 5 k on a watch. I am sure it won't be a problem. I thought 3 k was crazy but that is like buying a candy bar now.

The explorer is not necessarily my grail, it’s one of the choices, my issues is that I’m definitely leaning older models, which I can’t try on before purchasing, I haven’t had a watch more expensive than $500, but I’m saving up for a $5K grail tbh, open to suggestions too


The explorer is not necessarily my grail, it’s one of the choices, my issues is that I’m definitely leaning older models, which I can’t try on before purchasing, I haven’t had a watch more expensive than $500, but I’m saving up for a $5K grail tbh, open to suggestions too

Price is a big issue for me. So I was going to gradually grow my possibilities and double the price. After $500 I purchased $1000 watch. The problem is that I don't like any 2000$ watch at the moment and I'm dreaming of BB58 for $4K 😀 So my plan now is to wait a little longer but eventually buy the watch I truly want! Even though it might take 1-1.5 years - I'll use this time to appreciate watches I already have


Price is a big issue for me. So I was going to gradually grow my possibilities and double the price. After $500 I purchased $1000 watch. The problem is that I don't like any 2000$ watch at the moment and I'm dreaming of BB58 for $4K 😀 So my plan now is to wait a little longer but eventually buy the watch I truly want! Even though it might take 1-1.5 years - I'll use this time to appreciate watches I already have

Sounds like a great idea


Just set your eyes on the prize and go for it. I think you'll find when properly motivated you will get than quicker than anticipated.


I'm doing what someone else said .... Keep 1 fund 90% funded for the big one and set aside 10% for smaller dopamine hits along the way.

I just grabbed a cheap bulova hack while saving for a JLC platinum ultra thin in a couple of years


If you have a particular watch in mind, you’re going to have to save and stave off other watch purchases. Succeeding in doing so will be immensely gratifying.

One way you can cheat though is to buy watches that you’re really interested in (obviously) and have reason to believe will sustain their value. This way, you can enjoy them for a time, them sell them to happy new owners later without taking significant loss.

This can be tricky/risky though, so I wouldn’t advise it unless you’re extremely confident in your assessment of the market, and have a strong interest in the watch itself (so if you’re not comfortable with selling it, you’re still very happy to own and wear it).


Save up. Enjoy the small things in life meanwhile.


Sometimes just changing the strap on a watch I haven’t worn in a while breathes so much new life into the hobby.


Ofcourse a good plan.. But Exit watch i dont belive in.. Have bought Exit watches for 20 years 😉 Exit watch/grail must not be an expensive one, every watch in the World that i would want 2 own and wear i can also buy, if it means save up for a couple of years or Just go buy it. So i dont know.. I Just think watches are fun, cheap or expensive as Long as its give me something, but i would allways say buy the real deal.. If its a explorer you want dont buy something else that kind of look like, it Will not take the feeling away Even if your substitut is a Great watch.. 😇 So there is my answear, Save and buy what you really want..


Yup go for the BB58 and hold off on other watch purchases.

Small accessories like new straps are fine though and probably enough to tide you over as you save up.

The BB58 will be worth it. Even if not, then you’d have $4k to play with then 😛

  1. There is no grail, but I did wait for my goal watch. Though, there were other circumstances.

  2. Buying straps does help, especially if you can mix and match. It's still instant gratification, just cheaper.

  3. Doing great.

  4. The need for more important things.

  5. Watching youtube, weighing every aspect of a potential purchase and being very demanding, enjoying what I have.


I’m not a hugely disciplined person when it comes to watch buying, and have caved to my impulses many a time. But deep down, I know that anticiaption is part of the enjoyment. Whatever your financial resources, there should always be something that’s worth waiting for.

But ultimately, it’s important to be honest about your reasons for buying a new watch. There are people whose joy from acquiring a new piece is its novelty; for others, the enjoyment of a piece grows over time.

It’s only when we suffer dissonance between our expectations and experience that watch collecting can be frustrating.


Got my Grail in 2020, only bought a couple since then. Probably over a year since my last purchase.

Unfortunately I've just got into antique swords - why can't I have a cheap hobby 😭

Saving for my Grail wasn't easy and took me from 2014..


I think once you have that special watch you are less likely to go chasing cheaper watches that doesn't scratch that itch. You'll end up happier and wear the watch you really love more often


Price is a big issue for me. So I was going to gradually grow my possibilities and double the price. After $500 I purchased $1000 watch. The problem is that I don't like any 2000$ watch at the moment and I'm dreaming of BB58 for $4K 😀 So my plan now is to wait a little longer but eventually buy the watch I truly want! Even though it might take 1-1.5 years - I'll use this time to appreciate watches I already have

Go pre owned for a BB58. I got my for half the retail price and it was lightly pre owned!


Judging from your photo, you are quite young. If you need to save money for a watch I suggest you don’t. There will be plenty of needs for money in the years ahead so save for them. I am staying in your current price range around $500 and I find plenty of very nice and well made watches.


Judging from your photo, you are quite young. If you need to save money for a watch I suggest you don’t. There will be plenty of needs for money in the years ahead so save for them. I am staying in your current price range around $500 and I find plenty of very nice and well made watches.

Not that young 😂 but watches are pricey, so are my other hobbies, hence the saving, I’m not really drawn to watches in the price range of 500-1000, my Hamilton khaki was the only one, I grew up an impulsive buyer and felt like this could be a good lesson in patience


Go pre owned for a BB58. I got my for half the retail price and it was lightly pre owned!

Thanks, that sounds like an interesting plan!