History Deepdive: The Birth of Jaeger-LeCoultre, a Journey from Persecution to Precision

In 1517, Martin Luther's Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum sparked the Protestant Reformation, a major religious movement that led to significant changes across Europe. One of its consequences was the French Wars of Religion (1562–1598), during which many French Protestants, known as Huguenots, faced severe persecution. Among those fleeing were members of the LeCoultre family, who sought safety in the Swiss Jura.


Pierre LeCoultre, fleeing religious persecution in 1558, settled in Geneva where John Calvin had established Protestantism. This city became a refuge for many Huguenots. Interestingly, John Calvin banned the wearing of jewelry in Geneva, considering it too frivolous. However, he allowed watchmaking because watches were seen as useful tools rather than mere ornaments. This decision encouraged many skilled jewelers to become watchmakers, boosting the region's watchmaking industry.


Craftsmen in Geneva began to hear about the Vallée de Joux's potential, with its rich natural resources and growing industries like metallurgy. By 1723, watchmaking was officially recognized as a profession, and interest in horology (the study and making of clocks and watches) was rising. The skilled metalworkers of the Vallée de Joux applied their talents to watchmaking, leading to the region's reputation for producing high-quality timepieces.


In 1749, the artisans of the Vallée de Joux gained commercial and industrial autonomy. As more apprentice watchmakers were trained, the master craftsmen's reputation grew, especially in Geneva. The 18th century saw a rise in the popularity of music boxes, which required precise metal components. Antoine LeCoultre's father, Jacques-David, was among the craftsmen specializing in these intricate parts.

In 1803, Antoine LeCoultre was born in the Vallée de Joux. Thirty years later, Antoine and his son Elie started a watchmaking workshop on the southwest bank of Lac de Joux. Their hard work and innovative spirit laid the foundation for what we now know as Jaeger-LeCoultre.


Thus, the legacy of Jaeger-LeCoultre began with a family's journey from persecution to a pioneering watchmaking dynasty. Their dedication to precision and innovation continues to define the brand today, exemplified by their remarkable Hybris Mechanica timepieces.

