The anti-SOTC manifesto

I've been slowly reading through The Brothers Karamazov, but, occasionally between chapters, my little, gerbil brain desires a quick hit of dopamine, so I end up here. You know the old, familiar routine: click, refresh, repeat. We all indulge in it. But Crunchers, and I must speak honestly for a moment, your SOTC posts disappoint me. Too many of you have fallen victim to what I'd like to call the "hive mind," and I'm afraid I cannot discern one watch connoisseur from the next. Perhaps this homogeneity is just the natural progression of the horological journey. Or, perhaps, something more sinister is at play.


"Is this... the... final evolution...?"

Let's take a look at the template for every past, present, and future SOTC post:

Title: State of the Collection - June 2024

Hey Watch Enthusiasts!

I wanted to share with you all my current state of the collection as of June 2024. It's been an exciting journey adding and refining pieces over the past year, and here's where I stand:

Rolex Submariner Date (Reference 116610LN)

This has been my daily companion for the last few years. Its timeless design and robust build make it perfect for any occasion.

Omega Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch (Ref. 311.

A recent addition and an absolute classic. The history behind this watch is just as compelling as its functionality.

Seiko Prospex Samurai SRPB53

My go-to for outdoor adventures. The Seiko reliability combined with the striking blue dial always puts a smile on my face.

Tag Heuer Carrera Calibre 16 (Ref. CV2A1R.BA0799)

A sporty addition to the collection, perfect for weekends and casual outings.

Nomos Tangente 38 Datum (Ref. 130)

A minimalist gem that stands out in my collection for its Bauhaus-inspired design and mechanical elegance.

Each of these watches holds a special place in my heart and serves a unique purpose in my daily life. I'm constantly amazed by the craftsmanship and diversity in the watch world, and I can't wait to see where my collection goes next!

Looking forward to hearing about your collections and any recommendations you might have for my next addition.

Happy collecting!

If this sounds like something that an AI generated, it's because it is. Truthfully though Crunchers, the robot-overlords have you pinned. I guess to add authenticity, I would've appreciated an anecdote about the one hundred dollar Seiko that got the AI "into the hobby," but I digress. Interchange the Tag for a Grand Seiko, one Rolex for two, five watches for six or eight, and you have the same regurgitation exercise day in and day out ad infinitum.

Yet my favorite little touch, the one that captures the entire essence of what's problematic with the SOTC, is the ask: what should "my next addition" be.


Please, good sirs, for the love of God, validate my consumerism

If you've made it this far, you may be asking yourself how can we collectively alter the path we're on? Is there any way we can overcome the low-quality deluge of influencer bait? Comrades, the day has arrived! Here may I present the five actionable steps for a better tomorrow:

  1. SOTC posts aren't inherently evil, but they don't deserve prolonged, mass engagement. Ignore them, if possible.

  2. If a SOTC poster asks for guidance on his or her next purchase after spending tens of thousands of dollars on watches, tell them they need, and I quote, "Nothing else."

  3. If a SOTC poster has multiple luxury watches after only a year of collecting and is in the hunt for "the grail," they don't know what they want.

  4. Instead of posting your SOTC, write a narrative about your favorite watch. It'll be infinitely more interesting than any update about how you drained your bank account, yet again.

  5. If someone is an influencer, be kind to them, but realize their pathological need for attention is probably driven by a profit motive.


GADA-Bot 3000, an enthusiast and a lover

I beseech you all today to do better. I get it: there's a level of ennui that besets us all in this hobby, an insatiable need for more assurance, for more generally. And please, for the sacredness of everything holy, don't leave your SOTC in the comments below. You know better now.


a concerned citizen

Here is my state of the collective. Please let me know what you think and validate my consumerism


Here's my state of the collection, where should I go next?*


#custodesspecial #ilikebigwatchesandicannotlie

*for you observant types, yup that's a different watch than my #wruw, WOD called for it....more to follow for y'all brave enough. Who dares and all that shenaniganry.... 😆 #watchandwod


I am not the biggest fan of SOTC posts but oh boy. This is definitely the second most pretentious post I have seen on Watchcrunch.


Here's my state of the collection, where should I go next?*


#custodesspecial #ilikebigwatchesandicannotlie

*for you observant types, yup that's a different watch than my #wruw, WOD called for it....more to follow for y'all brave enough. Who dares and all that shenaniganry.... 😆 #watchandwod

You need nothing else.

You've achieved watch nirvana.


@BadgeHoarder (you got the gif memes...👀😉🤘🏻)


I've been rereading Ulysses by James Joyce. I haven't read a full book in about ten years and wanted to pick up the habit again. I thought the easiest way to get back to it was to read something I've read before but not too familiar that it won't surprise me. So, yeah, Ulysses. It's probably the literary equivalent of not working out for ten years and deciding to bench press 300 pounds. Painful. But I'm trudging through.


I have no comments on your SOTC thoughts.


"My journey after 3 months of watch collecting"

>$60.000 spent on watches (or they're all fakes 🤫)

"What should I get next?"

It's actually very funny that the AI got such a spot on list of the influencer 101 perfect watch collection that ticks all the boxes to rack up the likes on social media. Just missing that SKX for nostalgia and to rally the Rolex haters that would otherwise not like the post without the affordable Seiko gateway.

Wait a minute... It's missing a G-shock of course! (that has never been worn, like 90% of G-shock's)


I am not the biggest fan of SOTC posts but oh boy. This is definitely the second most pretentious post I have seen on Watchcrunch.

Curious. What's the most pretentious post you've seen on WatchCrunch?



So... Our content pleases you not.

Don't care.

It's our content, not yours.

We each have to like what we post as individuals, no one else does.

You telling all of us to bend to your will says much about you.

Happy Sunday.


Curious. What's the most pretentious post you've seen on WatchCrunch?


Self proclaimed marxist going on a rant on how buying from Aliexpress perpetuated exploitation and then somehow cramming modern left wing antisemitism into the mix.


Here's my state of the collection, where should I go next?*


#custodesspecial #ilikebigwatchesandicannotlie

*for you observant types, yup that's a different watch than my #wruw, WOD called for it....more to follow for y'all brave enough. Who dares and all that shenaniganry.... 😆 #watchandwod

Next, Apple Vision Pro


Self proclaimed marxist going on a rant on how buying from Aliexpress perpetuated exploitation and then somehow cramming modern left wing antisemitism into the mix.

Now I'm not just curious, I'm dying to see. You got a link?


While I understand that this post reflects your own perspective, the tone comes off as rude, arrogant, and overly directive.

Everyone has their own way of enjoying and sharing their watch-collecting journey. It’s not appropriate to tell people how they should act or invalidate their experiences.

Instead of telling people what to do, it would be more constructive to share how you see collecting watches and why. This way, it opens up a dialogue rather than shutting down others' viewpoints.

It’s disappointing because you have some good points. I particularly love the « Choose a watch and tell us why you love it » suggestion.


Now I'm not just curious, I'm dying to see. You got a link?

I think admins deleted it. Once he started going on about he isn't having any zionist capitalists silence him, he was probably nuked by the admins.


Next, Apple Vision Pro


I’m going to say what every commenter here thought, but were civiled in their response…



Well, the problem with this hobby is that it is about buying things, and we are never satisfied. This is the problem with any hobby that is about collecting/buying.

Not the first post I've seen complaining about these problems, which are inherently part of this hobby.

We should try to appreciate our watches more instead of looking to the next piece immediately, but again, it's always "just one more watch".

In conclusion, we should have other hobbies that are more about DOING things in addition to watch collecting so not all of our time goes to buying expensive toys. 😂


Dude, for real?! What are you expecting from a watch forum. People see a nice watch, they buy one. If they like it, they go and buy a few more. Then they join a forum to share their happiness. If I had to guess I would say most people just come here for the pretty watches, colorful badges and try to collect a bunch of smiley faces on their posts and comments.

Who the F do you think you are to tell people that this isn't how it should be done. 😂 seriously, if it isn't sophisticated enough for you, then though shit. Go do a PhD or something where you can meet likeminded people who will write essays about the meaning of [insert stuff].


As the person credited with coining the SOTC name and acronym, but not the concept of sharing one's collection online, some 23 years ago on, I'm fairly certain it's something people enjoy doing.

People's posts and comments are WatchCrunch and any other forum. I'm certainly one to wish for deeper technical conversation around here from time to time, but that's not what the content bell curve looks like.

Enjoy watches. However you want.


Good read mate, very entertaining, your writing is very articulate.

However, I hope you can articulate your foot out of your mouth 😂. This is literally a watch forum (and quite a wholesome and supportive one dare I say). Dear god good sir, know your crowd!

In your effort to sound unpretentious you have accomplished the complete opposite and I commend you for this, it is not an easy thing to do. Dostoyevsky would be proud

To this post I say bleehhh


Don’t tell me what to do


I think it's okay for people to make mistakes.

Mediocrity is where many start on their way to having a voice. With something potentially expensive like watch collecting, it's even scarier to take risks.

I'd say try to have faith in people. That the ones you're criticizing in this post are perhaps on the path to becoming what you'd consider tastefully discerning, they just aren't there yet.


Good read mate, very entertaining, your writing is very articulate.

However, I hope you can articulate your foot out of your mouth 😂. This is literally a watch forum (and quite a wholesome and supportive one dare I say). Dear god good sir, know your crowd!

In your effort to sound unpretentious you have accomplished the complete opposite and I commend you for this, it is not an easy thing to do. Dostoyevsky would be proud

To this post I say bleehhh


Don’t tell me what to do

Glad you "appreciated" it, but, good sir, you didn't heed the manifesto's advice! Luckily, you're a good photographer, so we can let this one slide. 🙏


I like other people’s SOTC. I hope it continues.


I like other people’s SOTC. I hope it continues.

It'll continue. Fear not.

I'd like them to at least be a little more substantive than they are now, but I'm obviously in the minority.



Well, the problem with this hobby is that it is about buying things, and we are never satisfied. This is the problem with any hobby that is about collecting/buying.

Not the first post I've seen complaining about these problems, which are inherently part of this hobby.

We should try to appreciate our watches more instead of looking to the next piece immediately, but again, it's always "just one more watch".

In conclusion, we should have other hobbies that are more about DOING things in addition to watch collecting so not all of our time goes to buying expensive toys. 😂

We should try to appreciate our watches more instead of looking to the next piece immediately, but again, it's always "just one more watch".

I agree with your sentiment. Always wondered if "hobby" correctly describes what we're engaged in anyway. But who knows.