"Top" or "Latest"?

I pick latest because I want to see it all. What's your approach here on WC?


So many posts never get seen since they don't "make" the main page. I usually go to the latest.


I check the latest as well.


Always clicking on the Latest.




Page defaults to "Top" so I'll scroll through it. I do believe Top is rate-based so things may change quickly after a flurry of comments on a new post. But always check the Latest after that.


First, I start in following, then I go to top. After about 10 threads, I scroll into the latest.


Latest then WRUW


Really only the latest. Top is usually posts with a silly gripe or something that's been rehashed 10,000 times.


I only use latest. However as the site has grown, it’s getting hard to get through all the latest posts in the time I have available with so many people posting.


Is there a way to automatically switch to latest? The news page is pretty interesting too but I hardly find myself visiting there.




Top then latest.




Latest then top.