It’s been a tough week resisting the urge to buy a watch. Over six months have passed since my last purchase, and to be honest, I’m not sure how I’ve made it this far.

I have a few watch straps on the way and a few more under consideration. For now, that will have to do. I’ve kept things relatively modest because, in the end, indulging excessively in something else isn’t really self-control—just substitution.

Restraint is difficult, and I’ve tried to reflect that in my images—perhaps as a mirror of my state of mind, a kind of simplification and a hint of wabi-sabi. Whatever it is, it’s not easy, but for me, it feels worthwhile.

Photobook front cover? 😅


And finally, the most beautiful piece of music I’ve heard today.

Have a great day fellow watch addicts! 🙏

72/365 #0wc

3/52 #52weeks


Superb photo Trevor. Hang on in there, you can do it 💪😁


Great shots of the Hammy Trevor!! I feel your pain. I have been trying pretty successfully to buy nothing that is not food, necessary clothing or fuel. I did break down and buy watch strap a few days ago that was part of my continued support of Ukraine but perfect is the enemy of good I guess. 😀


Superb photo Trevor. Hang on in there, you can do it 💪😁

Thanks, Colin. I will try! 🥴


Great shots of the Hammy Trevor!! I feel your pain. I have been trying pretty successfully to buy nothing that is not food, necessary clothing or fuel. I did break down and buy watch strap a few days ago that was part of my continued support of Ukraine but perfect is the enemy of good I guess. 😀

That’s impressive, Steve and I really respect that! 🙏


Beautiful shots Trevor


Great pics Trevor. Really liking that photo book cover. Don't - give - in! 🫣


Gorgeous photos as always Trevor. Stay strong my friend. I have the utmost faith in you. Have an outstanding day.


Futuristic piece 💯


Beautiful shots Trevor

Thanks, Dev!


Great pics Trevor. Really liking that photo book cover. Don't - give - in! 🫣

Cheers, Dan. It should probably be themed if I do one.


Gorgeous photos as always Trevor. Stay strong my friend. I have the utmost faith in you. Have an outstanding day.

Thanks, James - I appreciate the confidence 😜Have a great day!


These are all terrific shots Trevor. And I was listening to Sonic…Youth this morning whilst working out, you almost had me. 😎 This one with vibes of Vangelis Nocturne, which I have been enjoying lately. Have a great day buddy. 🙏🏻😎


Love the crown shot of the Hamilton!


Awesome shots, Trevor! That first one is really great 😍


Futuristic piece 💯

Cheers, Ned!


Very artistic, Trevor.👌🏼


Beautiful shots!

Thank you, Sal!


These shots are masterpieces Trevor 😍💯

The first one is pure Zen, Hamilton should take notice.

Stay strong, buddy 💪

My first test is getting over this hump. I have a birthday coming up, and I think it’s been on my mind. 😜

Really appreciate your words—cheers, Mauro!


It’s tough Trevor! The state of mind and other things happening in life makes it even more difficult. On top of everything else, I missed a couple of watches that I was really hunting for years and that doesn’t sit well inside me but I fight it. I don’t know for how much longer but for the time being it works although patience is painful. Beautiful shots, a bit melancholic, but beautiful. I love the song too 💯

Sometimes it’s easy, and sometimes it’s tricky, but you’re right—other factors in life come into play. Maybe a little stress is creeping in, and for me, a birthday coming up as well.

Cheers, Kostas! 🍻🙏


Real nice pics, Trevor. Glad to see you are being restrained in your photography style as well as your purchases


I like your photo a lot Trevor. They are stunning as always. I miss see them more often 😅😅

It’s being easy for me. Having no money helps😂😂😂

Sometimes I just think, feck it—I’ll buy it all. 😅 Luckily for me, I like money more, and the idea of ‘winning’ this challenge feels pretty great too.

Thanks, Napilut! 🙏😊


Great shots, Trevor!

Many thanks, Jakub! 🍻


Very artistic, Trevor.👌🏼

Cheers, Marko! My contribution to the crunch for the week! 😜😅


Cheers, Marko! My contribution to the crunch for the week! 😜😅

And what a contribution it was! 👏🏼💪🏼🍻


Stunning shots Trevor and I admire your restraint. I must learn to apply some of that in the future when it comes to watches 😂


That looks better than most press shots for sure! You're teasing us only posting every now and then Trevor 😅 but it's worth that wait! Different wait than yours 🤣


An iconic Hamilton Trevor, great photo shot to boot, enjoy the day.


I’m feeling the pain/itch a little myself… a desire to consolidate and go for a larger piece I’ve been after and yet at the same time I feel content… wild!


Outstanding shots Trevor! The composition is perfect!


Beautiful shots! I think they help focus on the amazing watches you already have. Courage! I know how hard it is to fight the itch!