This dial is crazy. A wolf waiting for a moonless night.


You own it? I think the sister watch is pretty cool, too.


Yeeeeowzer! That’s delicious yummy fun! That’s a ‘brain tingle’! 🤩🔥💥🔥


You own it? I think the sister watch is pretty cool, too.


I would say who it belongs to if it isn’t mine.


What is the red dot for? 🔴


#redbar limited edition. 🔴


My Zodiac SSW has disastrous lume, so can’t bring myself to trust the brand again. Lume torch then total darkness and still illegible 😢


Great watch!


My Zodiac SSW has disastrous lume, so can’t bring myself to trust the brand again. Lume torch then total darkness and still illegible 😢


Dang wow. I had heard movements werent always that great on some Reddit threads but didn't know that extended to the lumes as well.


Ah Zodiac. I was just wearing one yesterday. Nice brand but a bit overpriced imho. BTW, I got my contemporary ones at clearance pricing and at that pricing, the Zodiacs were a solid buy. But the MSRP? 😉


Dang wow. I had heard movements werent always that great on some Reddit threads but didn't know that extended to the lumes as well.

Let me just say that I have two comtemporary Zodiacs with STP movements and I have never experienced an issue witrh them.


Let me just say that I have two comtemporary Zodiacs with STP movements and I have never experienced an issue witrh them.

I agree. Sorry if I sounded too negative. The lume is my only issue.

My Zodiac is a chronometer - it’s COSC, so my accuracy is great at -1.5 seconds a day. For a COSC Swiss watch on quality bracelet, my watch was a good deal on used market

But I routinely glance at my watches in total darkness .. and while my Zodiac looks like It’d be a lume monster, they utterly left it off this dive watch. 😠

I heard the red dot version you got was quite good for lume, so wish mine included a warning label 🏷


I agree. Sorry if I sounded too negative. The lume is my only issue.

My Zodiac is a chronometer - it’s COSC, so my accuracy is great at -1.5 seconds a day. For a COSC Swiss watch on quality bracelet, my watch was a good deal on used market

But I routinely glance at my watches in total darkness .. and while my Zodiac looks like It’d be a lume monster, they utterly left it off this dive watch. 😠

I heard the red dot version you got was quite good for lume, so wish mine included a warning label 🏷

You’re fine. I should have reply via timetrapper, who had read on Redit that the movements weren’t so good.

My big complaint about Zodiac these days, other than MSRP, is the crown. I find the crown on my contemporary Zodiacs to be small, too small. And that isn’t that big of a complaint.


You’re fine. I should have reply via timetrapper, who had read on Redit that the movements weren’t so good.

My big complaint about Zodiac these days, other than MSRP, is the crown. I find the crown on my contemporary Zodiacs to be small, too small. And that isn’t that big of a complaint.

Crown is bonkers small. I guess they are going for aesthetics?

Also wind feel is iffy.

But yeah - those are quite bearable issues

Love me a giant easy to grip crown
