Ancient Roman wristwatch?

There seems to be a proliferation of sundial watches here on Watchcrunch lately now that it’s summer (at least in the northern hemisphere). So I figured I’d post my contribution. I got this in 1990 or 1991 at Sanger- Harris department store in Arlington,TX.

The sales person tried to sell me one with a broken dial because she was sure it was removable for when you wore it! Uh huh🙄

Of course, the solar cell will last a few billion more years, and it’s no good at night, but it’s still fun to have around!


Unfortunately they've not invented a wrist worm Clepsydra for British summertime 🌧️🤣


Nice one! I really enjoy the infinitely long service intervals on mine.


Nice one! I really enjoy the infinitely long service intervals on mine.

Oh, yes! Maintenance free!


Too funny. Honestly, this is my first one. Crazy how the concept of time captives our imagination. This is awesome