I guess we're all going to be hearing a lot about Wabi-sabi today, which is a Japanese aesthetic centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. It encourages us to find beauty in the imperfect, incomplete, and impermanent. It is a way of life that emphasises simplicity, authenticity, and mindfulness. Trevor’s @burntleaves idea for #wabisabiwednesday couldn't have come at a better time for me. I've been researching the life of Dieter Rams, the German industrial designer (yes, I know.. I should get out more), who's design philosophy adopts minimalism and simplicity as the norm and that it is function rather than aesthetics that drives a product's form. Today, I'm marrying the Eastern concepts of simplicity and mindfulness with the minimalism of a vintage Timex watch who's Brutalist designed movement embodies the concept of ‘form follows function’ Let's not forget transience though. The wind chime who's wood which has entropied under a hot Spanish sun, mirrors the 60 year old watch with its brittle leather strap and cracked crystal. To my mind, Its perfectly functional and restored movement but aesthetically imperfect form encompasses the concept of Wabi-Sabi but gives it a contemporary Western twist.

Vintage 1960s Timex Munro (Monroe) Tank #restoration


Beautifully written, John. I’m not much of a writer, so I’ll have to communicate via photography as best as I can.

It’s come to me at a perfect time too and the photograph is absolutely wonderful - daring and bold and wabi-sabi👏👏👏.

By the way, why is it when I say wab-sabi, I hear Marcel Theroux’s voice? 🧐


Ok Wabi Sabi Wednesday it is 🤪


Your imperfect Timex is perfect in my eyes John! Wonderful photography.


Beautifully written, John. I’m not much of a writer, so I’ll have to communicate via photography as best as I can.

It’s come to me at a perfect time too and the photograph is absolutely wonderful - daring and bold and wabi-sabi👏👏👏.

By the way, why is it when I say wab-sabi, I hear Marcel Theroux’s voice? 🧐

Thanks, Trevor. I might have gotten carried away with the writing this morning. I started and couldn't stop. You don't need to worry, your photography is eloquent enough.

Marcel Theroux.. that's worrying


Outstanding John. 💯


Thanks, Trevor. I might have gotten carried away with the writing this morning. I started and couldn't stop. You don't need to worry, your photography is eloquent enough.

Marcel Theroux.. that's worrying


A minor point but that’s Louis, but they do sound exactly the same.


A minor point but that’s Louis, but they do sound exactly the same.

Darn you noticed 🤣 but it sounded too apt to pass up


A minor point but that’s Louis, but they do sound exactly the same.

But wait.. what was it you said to me this morning 🤔


But wait.. what was it you said to me this morning 🤔


I am the egg man


A Classic John!


A Classic John!

Thank you


Nice vintage Timex John and yes I think your photo captures the theme.


Very interesting and well put John. And you photo is exceptional and rather thought provoking after reading your text. Thank you and have a wonderful day my friend.


Super WRUW John, just super applause sir 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Have a Wabi Sabi Wednesday John👌🎯


The composition here is great, and the theme is 👌. The Timex is a gem!

A million thanks, Dan.. you're too kind 👍🏻


I enjoyed your post so much John. Great shot and thank you for sharing…


You nailed wabi sabi Wednesday here John. Everything works together in this shot. The wind chime mirrors the watch really well or vice versa.

The Munro and strap are pretty much a perfect combo.

Well done 👍🏻


I enjoyed your post so much John. Great shot and thank you for sharing…

You are very welcome, Alfredo. Thank you for your kind comment😎


You nailed wabi sabi Wednesday here John. Everything works together in this shot. The wind chime mirrors the watch really well or vice versa.

The Munro and strap are pretty much a perfect combo.

Well done 👍🏻

Thanks a lot Rusty. This is the first time I've had the Munro on a strap since I restored it.. in fact it may be the first time it's been on leather in its 60 (ISH) year history. The strap is an oldie but it seems to work, I think I'll give the bracelet a rest for a while


That was quite a read, Jon. I'm a firm enbracer of form over function, and how that dictates design principles. I do think there's an argument for design for a purely aesthetic viewpoint, and some lovely watches have been created that way, (Cartier Crash, for example). But that concept of imperfection is also valid, and I think we need to accept a compromise of all approaches based on what we hope to achieve. Great photo, by the way.


That was quite a read, Jon. I'm a firm enbracer of form over function, and how that dictates design principles. I do think there's an argument for design for a purely aesthetic viewpoint, and some lovely watches have been created that way, (Cartier Crash, for example). But that concept of imperfection is also valid, and I think we need to accept a compromise of all approaches based on what we hope to achieve. Great photo, by the way.

Thanks, Doc. I'm glad you enjoyed it.. and your reply was eloquently put. Of course I completely agree and when it comes to watches, there can be beautifully creative art in form first.

But in the Crunch, I think most of us (myself included) can be guilty of allowing desirability and aesthetics to trump what is really important.. sometimes a watch just needs to be a watch.


Thanks, Doc. I'm glad you enjoyed it.. and your reply was eloquently put. Of course I completely agree and when it comes to watches, there can be beautifully creative art in form first.

But in the Crunch, I think most of us (myself included) can be guilty of allowing desirability and aesthetics to trump what is really important.. sometimes a watch just needs to be a watch.

Yes it does, and some of my favourites are exactly that. For example, the Casio MDV106, my Boderry, or the Hamilton KFM. And I've realised desirability for me doesn't have to mean expensive.


Yes it does, and some of my favourites are exactly that. For example, the Casio MDV106, my Boderry, or the Hamilton KFM. And I've realised desirability for me doesn't have to mean expensive.

You're a man after my own heart, Doc.

Unfortunately Mrs Y has already claimed it 🤭

I don't remember seeing your Hamilton for a while 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're a man after my own heart, Doc.

Unfortunately Mrs Y has already claimed it 🤭

I don't remember seeing your Hamilton for a while 🤷🏻‍♂️

Haha like what you did there. The Murph? I don't have the KFM any more cos the Murph replaced it when the KFM broke.


Haha like what you did there. The Murph? I don't have the KFM any more cos the Murph replaced it when the KFM broke.

Ah yes.. I remember the Murphy replacing the KFM. Sometimes my memory just needs a little nudge. You'll know what it's like when you get to my age 🤣


Ah yes.. I remember the Murphy replacing the KFM. Sometimes my memory just needs a little nudge. You'll know what it's like when you get to my age 🤣

However, I miss the KFM. I may end up buying one again. 😂


However, I miss the KFM. I may end up buying one again. 😂

I have no doubts 😉