Digital detox after burnout - G Shock 5600e to the rescue.

Hi all

Who can relate? I've been a watch obsessive for 6 years and have bought and sold so many watches, I've lost count. I've lost money, sometimes I lost my mind too.

I've had Speedies (kept re-buying and re- selling), several Omegas, IWC, Hamilton, Casio, Seiko, Smiths etc. I've re- bought many watches.

But no matter how nice my watch on my wrist was, I would always, within days sometimes, be back on the Internet, continuing my mad search for the perfect watch. Is it a Rolex? Is it an omega? Should I go vintage? What's the best watch under £1000? What would youtube say about this? Why am I never satisfied? Grrrrrrrr

Etc etc etc

So this weekend i reached breaking point. In a small way....I put my Omega on Ebay, I sold my Smiths, and put on my G shock.... this watch has been with me from day 1, and it is the only watch to survive my chaotic frenzied approach to the watch hobby.

This photo I took one winter up a hill near where we live. Note an actual Snowflake on the sleeve.

It is strong, handsome, supremely accurate (gains a second every few months), and I never have to worry about where I take it... gardening, hiking, rain soaked Scottish cycling... tick tick tick

My aim now is to rest. Just to rest from watches... to take stock

No...I don't need the Mark xv IWC

No... I can't afford that Datejust 36 or Op 36....

Who can relate to this madness?


I came to the realization that I didn't know what the end state was supposed to be. I was chasing something undefined. That will only result in heat and noise.

So I sold a BUNCH of watches and moved that money into savings. And I decided that the point would be to have fun, and that fun doesn't have to be expensive, or fancy, or impress anyone else, etc.

So now I try to just enjoy discovering and researching new watches, and I put a few more affordable pieces on a short-list. And I will never again spend 4k or 5k on a watch. Nope.

There are too many excellent and fun watches at much lower prices.


I came to the realization that I didn't know what the end state was supposed to be. I was chasing something undefined. That will only result in heat and noise.

So I sold a BUNCH of watches and moved that money into savings. And I decided that the point would be to have fun, and that fun doesn't have to be expensive, or fancy, or impress anyone else, etc.

So now I try to just enjoy discovering and researching new watches, and I put a few more affordable pieces on a short-list. And I will never again spend 4k or 5k on a watch. Nope.

There are too many excellent and fun watches at much lower prices.

Great reply... that's the point I'm at. After selling everything, I actually feel calm.... maybe there is no final destination.. maybe it's just a journey, and I should stop chasing invisible phantoms (grail watches)


I'm definitely with you there! I've been much the same in my time in the hobby. I went from small collection to (what I consider) large, from inexpensive to expensive, and after all that, I'm purging watches to get back to a very small, purposeful, and meaningful set of watches and exiting the game.

I have a literal exit watch in transit from eBay and I'm done.

There's too much else in life to have this much capital tied up in depreciating assets...

One of the big things I've come to realize is I can appreciate from afar.


I'm definitely with you there! I've been much the same in my time in the hobby. I went from small collection to (what I consider) large, from inexpensive to expensive, and after all that, I'm purging watches to get back to a very small, purposeful, and meaningful set of watches and exiting the game.

I have a literal exit watch in transit from eBay and I'm done.

There's too much else in life to have this much capital tied up in depreciating assets...

One of the big things I've come to realize is I can appreciate from afar.

Love it..too right... I'm still enjoying posting, sharing ideas with watch friends etc... but I'm having a rest from the search. At least trying to
