Overlapping Passions

I changed into my Christopher Ward The Twelve in titanium for a night at the theatre. Wanted the right watch (70s-inspired design) for a play set in the 70s (Stereophonic). Bringing into alignment my loves of watches and theatre. Anyone else have overlapping passions or hobbies?


The Twelve in Titaniun at a show Tune. 🥂


Many overlaps. Good/cocktails. Travel.


The Twelve in Titaniun at a show Tune. 🥂

The music was fantastic, even if I wouldn't classify this one as a "musical." More like a play set in and around music. Loved it. (and the watch on my wrist 😁)


Many overlaps. Good/cocktails. Travel.

And having the right watch along for the ride just makes it a little bit better! 😎


Too many to list but we've definitely been patrons of the arts...


Melissa Etheridge


Eddie Money


Danny Elfman, yada, yada, yada...


I love being able to pick out a watch that's just the right thematic fit for the day's activities. I've never done "attending a play set in the 70s" as a watch matching exercise, but it sounds like a fun one and you picked a winner!


I love being able to pick out a watch that's just the right thematic fit for the day's activities. I've never done "attending a play set in the 70s" as a watch matching exercise, but it sounds like a fun one and you picked a winner!

It's not always quite so high concept. Sometimes it's more "going to get wet" or "needs to look dressy." But I'll admit it tickles my brain when I get to find a more esoteric match 😁


Too many to list but we've definitely been patrons of the arts...


Melissa Etheridge


Eddie Money


Danny Elfman, yada, yada, yada...

Very nice! Quite the range of musical meistros! ❤️


Cars 👌🏻


Just beautiful 🤩


It's not always quite so high concept. Sometimes it's more "going to get wet" or "needs to look dressy." But I'll admit it tickles my brain when I get to find a more esoteric match 😁

I mean, I got excited when I went to the aquarium mostly because it meant I could admire my dive watch amidst scenery from its natural habitat.


I mean, I got excited when I went to the aquarium mostly because it meant I could admire my dive watch amidst scenery from its natural habitat.


Love it! A perfect pairing!