One Month on WatchCrunch: My Experience

I wanted to share my experience and comments as I commemorate my first month on WatchCrunch.

Pros: For me, this site has been a gold mine of information. I've discovered a plethora of timepieces that I was previously ignorant about, each possessing an own charm and tale. The stunning images that other aficionados have provided have been a visual feast, displaying the craftsmanship and design of horology. In addition, I've learned about the newest advancements and technology in the watch industry, which has kept me informed of current events. The experience of obtaining badges along the road has been enjoyable and fulfilling, strengthening the sense of community here.

Cons: Although overall the experience has been good, there are a few things I've observed may be done better. The community occasionally feels slanted toward expensive watches because there don't seem to be as many people wearing them. Furthermore, there is typically little response on watch postings, which undervalues some really interesting stuff.

Share your thoughts on #watchcrunch


Here is a response: Watch Crunch is a fantastic site and people feature all kinds of watches ranging in price from a couple hundred bucks/pounds up to mega money models. Keep posting!


I think that the community is great and an excellent place to see all sorts of watches. I think people are maybe more keen to show the more expensive watches as they do seem to get more love, people posting cheaper watches maybe just get a little disenchanted and then just don't bother anymore. There is a few people who champion the cheaper more affordable but the sought after watches most definitely seem to get love from everyone.


I love a good value queen and I always try to show some appreciation for people sharing more affordable watches from any origin. There are great watches at every price point and I'm sure a lot of Crunchers appreciate discovering new watches within their budget too, not just the aspirational multi-thousand dollar grails. If polls are any indication, the majority of us gravitate toward budget-friendly watches after all.

Plus, I'm definitely tired of seeing Rolex #451849590249 on my feed. It's hard to feel excited about the 100th Explorer of the week. I prefer to explore something original that will pique my curiosity. 😅


I can only speak on my personal experience but from what I've seen, it's (at this point) still a pretty even split for Luxury/ Affordable. I'll see a brand new Datejust getting 30 likes & scroll down to see some vintage Seiko, Certina, etc getting ALL the likes. Sometimes its the opposite. It actually surprises me quite often.

I will agree that the unbelievable influx of new people (even in just the short 1.5 years I've been on here) has diluted the overall reactions going around. A post back in early 2023 would get plenty of conversation going. Now, so many posts are showing up every hour, that even the watches you'd think would be grabbing everyone's attention somehow flies under the radar all day.

If I may be a bit of a jerk, I'll say this: We could probably do less with the "random posts".

The "what do you think about this?" posts. No context, no story, no wrist shot, just a watch sitting in a box. As much of a watch nerd as I am; just use Google. Do some research, form an opinion. Come back & TELL ME what you think. Now, lets discuss 🍻

Less of that would allow more interesting posts to fill WC. Sorry for my old man rant. I appreciate you voicing your concerns & what you're seeing/ feeling though.


Here is a response: Watch Crunch is a fantastic site and people feature all kinds of watches ranging in price from a couple hundred bucks/pounds up to mega money models. Keep posting!

Thank you for your encouragement! It's true, WatchCrunch offers an amazing range of watches from affordable to high-end. The diversity is part of what makes this community so special. I'll definitely keep posting and exploring all the incredible timepieces shared here!


I think that the community is great and an excellent place to see all sorts of watches. I think people are maybe more keen to show the more expensive watches as they do seem to get more love, people posting cheaper watches maybe just get a little disenchanted and then just don't bother anymore. There is a few people who champion the cheaper more affordable but the sought after watches most definitely seem to get love from everyone.

You make a great point. The community here is fantastic for showcasing a wide variety of watches. It’s true that higher-end pieces often receive more attention, which can be disheartening for those with more affordable watches. I hope we can encourage more inclusivity and appreciation for all types of timepieces, as every watch has a unique story and value. Let's celebrate the diversity in our collections!


I love a good value queen and I always try to show some appreciation for people sharing more affordable watches from any origin. There are great watches at every price point and I'm sure a lot of Crunchers appreciate discovering new watches within their budget too, not just the aspirational multi-thousand dollar grails. If polls are any indication, the majority of us gravitate toward budget-friendly watches after all.

Plus, I'm definitely tired of seeing Rolex #451849590249 on my feed. It's hard to feel excited about the 100th Explorer of the week. I prefer to explore something original that will pique my curiosity. 😅

Absolutely, value queens deserve their spotlight too! Affordable watches often bring unique designs and stories, and it's refreshing to see appreciation for these pieces. Discovering budget-friendly gems can be just as exciting as admiring high-end grails. I agree—variety keeps the feed interesting. It's great to explore original and diverse timepieces that pique our curiosity and broaden our horological horizons.


I can only speak on my personal experience but from what I've seen, it's (at this point) still a pretty even split for Luxury/ Affordable. I'll see a brand new Datejust getting 30 likes & scroll down to see some vintage Seiko, Certina, etc getting ALL the likes. Sometimes its the opposite. It actually surprises me quite often.

I will agree that the unbelievable influx of new people (even in just the short 1.5 years I've been on here) has diluted the overall reactions going around. A post back in early 2023 would get plenty of conversation going. Now, so many posts are showing up every hour, that even the watches you'd think would be grabbing everyone's attention somehow flies under the radar all day.

If I may be a bit of a jerk, I'll say this: We could probably do less with the "random posts".

The "what do you think about this?" posts. No context, no story, no wrist shot, just a watch sitting in a box. As much of a watch nerd as I am; just use Google. Do some research, form an opinion. Come back & TELL ME what you think. Now, lets discuss 🍻

Less of that would allow more interesting posts to fill WC. Sorry for my old man rant. I appreciate you voicing your concerns & what you're seeing/ feeling though.

I appreciate your insights and totally get where you're coming from. It's interesting to hear that there's still a balance between luxury and affordable posts. The influx of new members has definitely changed the dynamic, making it harder for some great posts to get the attention they deserve. Your point about the 'random posts' is valid—quality content with context and personal stories make discussions much more engaging. Sharing our thoughts and experiences can foster richer conversations and a more vibrant community. Thanks for sharing your perspective, and cheers to making WatchCrunch even better!