My Veteran Watch Pick for Memorial Day!

My pick for a Veteran wearing a watch on Memorial Day is Ted Williams. Ted was a WWII & Korea combat Marine Aviator, Mexican American San Diego Native, a helluva hitter & base thief, and Rolex owner.


I met Ted when he was about 64yrs old…the real f’n deal…I was blown away at how huge he was at that age…he famously landed a plane on fire because he was so big he was afraid if he ejected he would crush his legs and not be able to play again


Blew my mind with the American Mexican identity. Really cool fact. Was he wearing the Rolex while flying too? What a great American. True man’s man.


This is a great read

The Kid: The Immortal Life of Ted Williams


Love Ted Williams! Honorable Mention Jimmy Stewart pilot also.


Great post! He's awesome!!


Teddy Ballgame was a hero.