Cow eats Rolex


The cow was tempted by the Moooovement


Edit * just realized this was also made a joke in description

New joke

Was it on a leather strap?



I prefer a regular quartz moooovement myself. 😮


That's a shitty watch.


Funny. It doesn't look like a 'field' watch.


All jokes aside, dairy farms are horrible for the animals. It's an endless cycle of forced impregnation and killing the baby to get the cow to produce milk - meanwhile doing many horrible things like dehorning with hot irons, burning the animals udders with huge blowtorches, not providing veterinary care even in serious stations and basically treating an intelligent living being as an object until eventually killing them at age 6 or so. They care so little that sometimes they just let them starve to death if it's the most financially easy thing to do.

Sorry off topic.


I read the article and it didn't mention if the treasure hunter got a reward,just that the farmer went out and bought another Rolex to replace it straight away