
Tyler Thorpe
20 Following
6 min ago
Wisconsin, USA
Looking at stuff through binoculars
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Introduce yourself

Been collecting for 5 years now, took a year long break and now im excited to keep collecting

Fun with your life and hobbies

Gonna try and keep it short, its interesting how people on social media are so negative when people are just talking about things they enjoy or things...


It is uncanny how much i love this watch, this got me into the hobby, well technically a timex did but this watch got me into mechanical watches. I ha...

Recent Comments

commented on Good Morning Watch Collectors ·

That things not bad at all

commented on EDC flatlay ·

Thats a sick shot

commented on Fun with your life and hobbies ·

Well said. I agree iv noticed allot in military circles too the negativity and ppl wanting to bring eachother down allot its wild lol

commented on SKX013K ·

😂😂 someones gotta be

commented on SKX013K ·

You have the cringiest fuckin user name idk why your trying to come after me like that, thats wild behavior

commented on SKX013K ·

I didnt realize that was such a leap 😂

commented on SKX013K ·

I was in the Marine Corps for 7 years lol

More posts

Seiko-W.O.E SNKP21J

I started seeing this watch in 2021 when i really started deep diving into watches. As i looked online for reviews and statements about this watch I c...


Im trying to get more into natural photography with watches, just shooting good shots well out in the world. More to come with things other than the P...

Seiko Turtle

I bought this watch in Okinawa Japan when I was still in the Marine Corps, I only ever wore it a few times for some reason i went 3 years with out wea...