Turtle x Turtle


Where’s the pizza?


Where’s the pizza?

Turtle ate it


Turtle ate it

Damn turtles!


I once had a dream where I owned a pet sea turtle. In the dream I converted my backyard into an ocean with waves and coral and palm trees, and I had a turtle saddle that allowed me to ride my pet turtle. It was literally the happiest I'd ever been in my life … and then I woke up and remembered that my actual pet turtle was a red-eared slider that hated me. His name was Spucky.


I once had a dream where I owned a pet sea turtle. In the dream I converted my backyard into an ocean with waves and coral and palm trees, and I had a turtle saddle that allowed me to ride my pet turtle. It was literally the happiest I'd ever been in my life … and then I woke up and remembered that my actual pet turtle was a red-eared slider that hated me. His name was Spucky.

You can always move to Kauai and live out your dream. These turtles come on shore everyday at about the same time and also at sunset.


You can always move to Kauai and live out your dream. These turtles come on shore everyday at about the same time and also at sunset.

Definitely gonna have to visit someday. Can't be that difficult to domesticate a sea turtle, right?


Definitely gonna have to visit someday. Can't be that difficult to domesticate a sea turtle, right?

Difficult, no. Illegal, most definitely! 🤣