Thursday and the new San Martin is back on wrist! Early start tomorrow but that means the weekend starts early 🔥😁 Hope y’all had a great one!


It's an absolutely beautiful SM Brian! The dial is magnificent. It just glows. Have a great evening.


That deep blue dial looks cool, Brian 💙

Have a great honeymoon with your new watch 👍🍻


Blue wrist heaven💙💙💙💙


Happy weekend 🎉 in advance buddy 😁


Weekend can't get here soon enough 💪 great pics Brian 📸


Looking good, SMR!


Damn that's a great dial! Have a good one Brian 🍻


Awesome piece this Brian, I’ve heard such a great things about them! The bracelet and dial especially get an awful lot of praise and I can see why 😍


Looking great Brian! This blue dial is stunning 💙


Missed the announcement, Brian, but this is a beauty. Absolutely perfect blue dial. Congrats!


Wow the dial really takes on a different look on different light settings. Looks stellar Brain. 🥶💙💙

Have a great evening!


Gorgeous fume dial, Brian 💙💙


The more I see this the more I want it, Brian! It's so good! I was eyeing up the orange one earlier too 😍😍


I want this one next I think. Beautiful dial