I swear my purpose was to take watch pics… I got distracted Mr T looking very dapper 😁 So the tiny Tuesday also gives me an excuse to contine the honeymoon with the San Martin!
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New to the hobby. I like American watches and field watches especially, but I enjoy seeing all types of watches. If I’m not being a watch goblin I’m definitely bird watching. 🐦⬛⏱️
Kingston, PA 18704, USA
Member since
Last active: 45 minutes ago
in collection
17.78 cm
That's a great blue Brian. The leash almost matches the dial!
Great shots Brian 🔥 looks like you're having a lot of fun with this one 😁
Great shots Brian! Love the San Martin!
That's a great blue Brian. The leash almost matches the dial!
Thanks Preston! Didn’t even think about that, but your absolutely right!
Great shots Brian 🔥 looks like you're having a lot of fun with this one 😁
Oh absolutely Lorenzo! I’ve never owned a bracelet before but I have to say, I like it 😊
Thanks Tony! I’m captivated by the blue 💙
Great shots Brian! Love the San Martin!
Thanks Chris! I’m speaking to an official ambassador now 😉Congratulations again buddy! You deserve it 🔥
Thanks Chris! I’m speaking to an official ambassador now 😉Congratulations again buddy! You deserve it 🔥
Ah lord quit all that! 🤣🤣 I appreciate it buddy!
What an incredible fume dial color, Brian, and the lume is excellent 🔦!!
That Dial is gorgeous!!!
It is a very beautiful dial and the bracelet looks great Brian! 😍Your watch dial is paired very nicely with Booker T’s leash. 💙💙💙
Well done regardless if it was intentional or not. 😎👌
Have a great evening!
Really loving this dial, Brian! SM did such a great job with it! Good to see Mr T, is getting some sun to get out in 😎
Can’t beat that new watch feeling Brian, your going to be taking all sorts of wrist shots with this one 👍🏻 I bet Mr T is happy the weathers improving 🙂
That blue dial is captivating, Brian 😍👌
Fantastic lume and Mr.T looks great as always.
What an incredible fume dial color, Brian, and the lume is excellent 🔦!!
Thanks Danilo! I’m a big fan of the enameling they used!
That Dial is gorgeous!!!
Thanks John! I couldn’t agree more 💯
It is a very beautiful dial and the bracelet looks great Brian! 😍Your watch dial is paired very nicely with Booker T’s leash. 💙💙💙
Well done regardless if it was intentional or not. 😎👌
Have a great evening!
Thanks Scott! The bracelet is very comfortable, especially since I have never worn one! Not intentional but still cool 😎 Thanks buddy you too!
Such a beauty Brian! Great shots of the watch and Booker. Have a spectacular day.
Really loving this dial, Brian! SM did such a great job with it! Good to see Mr T, is getting some sun to get out in 😎
Thanks Mark! They really knocked it out of the park with the enameling they used! Yes, he’s significantly less crazy when he gets some outside time 🤪
Can’t beat that new watch feeling Brian, your going to be taking all sorts of wrist shots with this one 👍🏻 I bet Mr T is happy the weathers improving 🙂
Absolutely Charlie! He’s very happy now that he gets to go outside more, which means he’s less of a pain in the ass 🤣
That blue dial is captivating, Brian 😍👌
Fantastic lume and Mr.T looks great as always.
Thanks Mauro! I’m really enjoying the new watch! I’ll be sure to pass it on 😻
Such a beauty Brian! Great shots of the watch and Booker. Have a spectacular day.
Thanks James! We will be out again today by the looks of it! You too my friend!