Are Chinese specials worth anything?

I’m wondering how many people believe that AliExpress or Chinese specials are worthless or are really good? I have to admit I’ve never owned one; the closest things I’ve seen are my Islander and my wife’s SeaGull (not a 1963).

Generally I’d consider such watches disposable. I’m fairly certain no one would pay $300-$400+ to service a watch that cost <$150. Would anyone do so? They may last years, but eventually they’ll stop functioning properly and become paperweights. So are they any good?

In one sense I say ‘yes’ they are. For someone starting out buying budget friendly watches from China may be their best option for trying out many styles, colors, sizes, etc.. Perhaps taking several years and buying a dozen or two dozen watches may cost as must as an entry level luxury piece, but I’d say the person is really buying experience, not just watches. With that experience, once they have the means to buy something more expensive, that person would have a better understanding of what they really like and probably be happier with whatever expensive watch they buy than they would without the experience gained from their time with the low cost watches.

Some people argue that this better to just save up and buy something really expensive on the first go. I’m not so sure.

What do you all think?


I’m not big on Chinese watches, but that doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t buy them if they like them. I think there are plenty of good used watches out there that I think would be a good pickup instead.


I think we all approach the hobby from different perspectives, and it's always a good idea to bear that in mind.

I could afford to buy a couple of luxury watches, and I would likely enjoy them quite a bit. That said, I like variety, so having lots of more affordable ($100-2000) options suits my preferences.

As for servicing, I suspect a lot of watches costing up to $1K get tossed when they stop working, so it's not really a major knock to the AliExpress brands if they get tossed as well.

Personally, I'll get my more affordable watches serviced, but I don't hold it against those who choose not to. If we want to consider waste reduction, buying repairable boots/shoes instead of disposable ones, would likely do more for the planet than servicing watches every 5-10 years.


Someone I had gone to school with, returned to China after graduation and “disappeared” at Tiananmen Square in 1989. Although not always a possibility, when I have the option to buy something made in China or elsewhere, I choose elsewhere.


I think a good balance here is key. As collectors we look to scratch that itch, the acquisition, which is a little more difficult to do with heritage brands. I also think as a collector just starting out, you need to try on a few styles to see what you really love. Ali Express provides the lower point of entry for collectors not necessarily well versed in the purchasing of watches, but primarily I believe it teaches quality, I’ve purchase many an Ali Express watch, some of which are spec monsters without the heritage, it has and continues to teach me about quality over branding (a very important lesson to learn in the watch game). As much as I love my Seikos, Tissots and Bulovas, Ali express really thought me how to purchase and what to look for. Absolutely no gripes with those watches, great entry points, great lessons, great quality. I still own a few, and proudly wearing one today. Stunning Islander mate


Sorry to be delayed answering. I have to go by my experience. In this case I bought an Islander Manhasset with jubilee style bracelet. The basic price for that model is nearly $300 USD. My Hamilton khaki watches were each just under $400, and my JDM Seiko Sarb033 and Sarb017 were well below $400. The Islander is not remotely comparable to any of those. It is pretty close to my wife’s Sea-Gull and also to my Invicta Pro Divers. The Islander is also somewhat close to low price Seiko quartz watches I’ve had. So generally I put Islander in the same category at Ali Express or Chinese specials. My opinion is Island Watch cost so much because they’re based in NY, which is much more expensive than being based in China.


A few of them, I think, offer very competitive watches in the under $400 price range, and a very few, although notable, in the sub-$4-5000 range.

All economic valuations are subjective. All of them. Mine included.