I blame all of this on a cheap Seiko strap.

Three years ago I thought it would be a great idea to buy a watch. So I did, it was a cheap Seiko quartz off Amazon for a $100. It arrived the next day, my wife was home to witness the unboxing.

Fits great I said, love it! Wife says she likes it too, life is grand and so simple. I go to take the watch off and the keeper snaps in half. Well damn… I’ll just super glue it I say- it’ll be fine.

She laughs and says “you bought a cheap watch because you’re a cheap ass. She’s right - so not gonna argue. But I do anyway and say I’m frugal not cheap - there’s a difference you know!

You need to send it back she says. Then do some research and buy a proper watch. Into the watch matrix fever dream I went.

I’m to the point now where its no fun anymore and I need to rid myself of two watches to lighten the load. I feel gluttonous and guilty. Maybe it’s my Catholic upbringing - I dunno.

I’m leaning towards the Sinn 104 and the Alpinist. Thoughts on those two? Which would you sell?


I have to agree, Sinn 104 and Seiko Alpinist are the ones to get rid of…


Great collection but if I had to choose it would be the Alpinist and the Sinn 856. I've always been confused by the 856. Is it a pilot watch or a field watch?


Anything except the Omega and the Sinns


All I got out of that is that no matter how much you spend on watches, it’s your wife’s fault.


I would part with the Nivada that looks too much like an homage compared to the Alpinist that has its own identity.


I have an Alpinist, it's a great looking watch, but over priced for what it is. My advice is go for a microbrand, as they have more personality and better specs


I would say the Sinn and the Nivada. But this is your choice and this was just my advice.


Hang on a second - there are eight slots in that watch box. There's a 0% chance you'll leave two of them empty.


Follow your Catholic roots and unburden yourself of Sinn


Firstly, what watch did you buy after the cheap Seiko? And if you get rid of the two watches, you're just gonna buy 2 more. Lol, empty slots in a watchbox is a eye sore to us. I think your like me and like 1 of each brand, so sell a Sinn and get another brand in there. Something colorful!


Hey Scott,

I love your collection. We have similar tastes but you have executed it much better than I have.

I think the best way to rid yourself of the guilt is by buying a new (smaller) watch box. Moving the ones you wear the most and hiding this old box somewhere. Out of sight, out of mind haha.

If you had to absolutely get rid of something. I’d say the Nivada, Oris or Traska.

The Alpinist, Sinns and Omegas are all beautiful watches that don’t have as much overlap with each other.


If those are your only watches, you’re fine. 😊 I have about the same and Catholic too. Nice collection by the way! Too ease your guilty, you just need to apply a little “what aboutism”. There are so many guys/gals on this site that have 10+ watches and some with 50+ watches, now that’s gluttonous. 😂


Between the sinn and alpi, alpi, they'll improve the model over the years since it will be a permanent model for Seiko.


Great collection but if I had to choose it would be the Alpinist and the Sinn 856. I've always been confused by the 856. Is it a pilot watch or a field watch?

Me too, technically it’s a pilot watch I believe due to the legibility. Looks like a field watch too.


Hang on a second - there are eight slots in that watch box. There's a 0% chance you'll leave two of them empty.

Exactly- I’m going to sell the box too.


If in the back of your mind there is a place that remembers that in the end they are just things, then enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Sinn is an awesome brand but for some reason they don’t speak to me at all. So Sinn it is.


If the choice is between the Sinn and the Seiko, and given you have two Sinns, I’d say the Sinn if for no other reason than diversity in your collection.


As penitence, sell them all & buy a Casio.😃

I would sell the two you wear the least.


As penitence, sell them all & buy a Casio.😃

I would sell the two you wear the least.

I wear them all equally- that’s my dilemma. This hobby is maddening sometimes.


I think your 12 hour Traska Venturer that’s no longer in production should be the one to go. I’d be willing to take it off your hands too 😉😛


Pardon if I keep coming back to your post, but it intrigues me. I have 12 watches and often think about pairing down as well. So my question is, why the Alpinist? I dl understand the Sinn, because you have 2 Sinns and you have the omega, which is a better diver than the Sinn 104, so that makes sense. But why the Alpinist, do you consider the Nivada Gretchen to be a better GADA than the Alpinist? Because those two seem to be the most compatible, in my mind at least. Because I have an Alpinist, the green dialed dual crown variant, and as a GADA, I think it's impeccable. Wanna know your thoughts.


I think I would sell both Sinn


Pardon if I keep coming back to your post, but it intrigues me. I have 12 watches and often think about pairing down as well. So my question is, why the Alpinist? I dl understand the Sinn, because you have 2 Sinns and you have the omega, which is a better diver than the Sinn 104, so that makes sense. But why the Alpinist, do you consider the Nivada Gretchen to be a better GADA than the Alpinist? Because those two seem to be the most compatible, in my mind at least. Because I have an Alpinist, the green dialed dual crown variant, and as a GADA, I think it's impeccable. Wanna know your thoughts.

The NG and Alpinist are most alike and you nailed my thoughts exactly with the 104 and the Omega. Omega is not going anywhere.

I don’t think the Alpinist is a better gada then the NG, both have the history, both look great in my opinion- This is my biggest struggle deciding on those two, I think I like the look of the tropical dial better to be honest.


I think your 12 hour Traska Venturer that’s no longer in production should be the one to go. I’d be willing to take it off your hands too 😉😛

Love the Traska it’s a keeper for sure.


Personally I’d say the Sinn 856 and the Oris


Unpopular opinion here, but listen to that side of you feeling “gluttonous and guilty.” I definitely feel that too, though it’s as a result of endlessly researching and coveting watches I can’t afford. I do think there’s a spiritual element to the “watch collecting bug” people talk about.


I love the Sinns and the Lorires. You can’t go wrong on either one of those brands or the new Chrono by C Ward of England.

If interested the case and design are very nice and affordable.

I love your collection.


Not a huge fan of the 3 micros. The rest is great imo!


what is the model number for that beautiful Seiko in the top right?? 😍😍


what is the model number for that beautiful Seiko in the top right?? 😍😍

Sbdc117 baby alpinist