Why buy a new watch when you can just change out parts lol

But too many watches so far so made a deal with the Mrs. to save till we get X amount. Still was able to pick up some parts though. Decided to redo a couple watches. This is the turnout of the first one. I think it turned out OK what do you think?


Sometimes all the old girl needs is a new dress to be the prettiest one at the party


At first I was going to say “sir, are you aware of the platform you are posting on”? Then read the rest of the post. It is a smart thing to do. I will never advocate for someone buying a watch who is not in a financial place to do so. You will be soon and your next purchase will be glorious. Until then, freshing up a time piece will make it feel new.


Great Mod . Very stealthy and Cool 😎 . Like a Dark Night !