A true watch enthusiast wouldn't hate quartz watches

What's the point in hating a more efficient and accurate movement? Zero point. I love quartz watches especially solar models. Again, hating and disliking are two different things.

78 votes ·

Sounds like a no true Scotsman fallacy to me. 😀


Quartz is a big part of horology. Can’t be hating that!

By the way, I’m sorry mate, but the options are a little confusing to me. If I select happily agree, it means that I happily agree that we shouldn’t hate quartz watches right?


Does anyone actually HATE quartz? Do people actually have hate in their hearts for quartz?

A great answer to the question of quartz vs mechanical I once came across is "I don't need either. I prefer mechanical because its inner workings fascinate me" or something like that. I like the thought of gears spinning away on my wrist.

Quartz is cool and convenient, and a technological marvel. Mechanical watches are cool and harken back to a time when all watches were powered by springs and gears.

We all wear what we want!


I don't hate Quartz watches, but I have noticed a trend over the last few years of people who only own Quartz having a complete intolerance for mechanical watches in general


Quartz is a big part of horology. Can’t be hating that!

By the way, I’m sorry mate, but the options are a little confusing to me. If I select happily agree, it means that I happily agree that we shouldn’t hate quartz watches right?

Okay, should've put just agree there


Does anyone actually HATE quartz? Do people actually have hate in their hearts for quartz?

A great answer to the question of quartz vs mechanical I once came across is "I don't need either. I prefer mechanical because its inner workings fascinate me" or something like that. I like the thought of gears spinning away on my wrist.

Quartz is cool and convenient, and a technological marvel. Mechanical watches are cool and harken back to a time when all watches were powered by springs and gears.

We all wear what we want!

True. And I prefer quartz more for accuracy. Cheers


Sounds like a no true Scotsman fallacy to me. 😀

Well, no idea what that is


I don't hate Quartz watches, but I have noticed a trend over the last few years of people who only own Quartz having a complete intolerance for mechanical watches in general

That's bad.


That's bad.



The whole thing reminds me of something like gas vs electric stoves. There are notable differences that can interact with preferences in ways that lead someone to prefer one over the other, sometimes entirely. I'm not sure if "stove enthusiasts" exist, but I don't think someone who is an enthusiast for gas stoves but doesn't like electric is disqualified from being a stove enthusiast. Most car enthusiasts seem to despise a lot of cars for myriad reasons.

You could push for specificity and separate quartz watch enthusiasts from mechanical watch enthusiasts, but I don't see the utility in doing so. I just accept that people who are really into certain kinds of things have preferences within that category and may very well dislike many of those things.