
Mustang One
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commented on Would you trade 3 watches (below) for an AP RO Offshore 25721st + cash top up? And why? 😊 ·

It depends how deep those memories go with three watches you currently have. And will the memories still be there even if the watches aren't?

Maybe the memories will love on with the AP while at the same time creating new ones. Or maybe be not. Who knows?

Anyway, I voted yes, swap them. But I usually am not like that.

commented on Discussion Topic: Watch Winders – Your Thoughts? ·

Best, most appropriate and practical answer ever.

commented on Dive watch with tuxedo? ·

You there we go, post number 3! :)

Anyway, I'm sure/hope y'all know I was kidding. You gotta wear what you like. If the dial colour is a nice.match with the blue tux, then good on ya.

Wait what? A BLUE tux? Alright, I'm back to bed.

Enjoy the wedding and congrats to the bride and groom. Have a good one!

commented on Dive watch with tuxedo? ·

Soon, it'll be tux on top, denim shorts and flip flops. Then one can wear the dive watch. :)

commented on Dive watch with tuxedo? ·


commented on Dive watch with tuxedo? ·

I'm all for the wear what you want.

I mean, if you want to wear trainers (aka sneakers in USA), with a tux, then, yeah you can. I don't think you should, but you can. Ditto with jeans. Heck, go the whole hog and wear a hoodie on top top.

This "do what you want" thing ain't working out so well now? Sp, back to the watch. Now I haven't read the rest of the comments, maybe someone has mentioned James Bond by now. I think, if you only have a dive watch then wear it! But if you do have a dress watch, at least consider it.

Now I'll read the rest of the comments. Let's see if I was right about Jane's bond!

commented on Tudor Black Bay 54: Secret bezel feature? ·

Nice looking watch btw with the black rubber strap.