ADAMASCUS AD840B.C review.

My nickname isn’t Mr Blingbling for no reason – I like shiny objects. I like to wear shiny objects. Peacocking? Perhaps. Or could it be that I don’t like entropy? I tend to keep my shiny objects shiny. I take pride in a good shoeshine, well ironed shirts and not wearing banged up watches. Perhaps it’s just a midlife crisis – could a shiny watch without wrinkles even out my own forehead?

Anyway. I stumbled upon Wise from Thailand and discovered this bronze model – yes, I know that bronze will patina, but I challenged myself – perhaps it’s nice to see something else aging faster than myself. It’s limited to 333 pieces and I got my hands on number 237, so in a way it’s always Shining.

The proportions are just perfect: 41 mm, lug-to-lug 47,7 mm and very slim – it wears smaller than you expect. Great, great lume. Lovely, unique hands and all in muted green/beige tones – easy to match with a green shirt or green pants. It comes with a very nice matching rubber strap and a not so colour matched green leather strap – I tend to wear it on the rubber strap. Yes, the watch box is ridiculous – if you like hide-and-seek this box could easily act as your perfect hiding place.

Bezel action, you ask? There is no action. The egg timer is rock solid – you need pliers or Arnolds underarms to turn this bezel. (If you, like me, have OCD and find the bezel not lined up at twelve during business hours your colleagues will look at you and wonder why that weak guy is trying to dismantle his watch.)

But otherwise no complaints. And do I like the patina? Yes I do. I’ve had this watch for a couple of months now and it’s aging with grace. And faster than me. Recommended.

ADAMASCUS AD840B.C review.

Yes No
  • Size
  • Colour
  • Handset
  • Bezel
  • Import taxes

Great review! I am going to take a look at their website for sure


Thank you. Your thoughts are well received. I found out about this brand on this forum.