Sunday fight.

In one corner we have the anonymous contender and in the other corner: the one that everyone knows. the Leonidas vs Pluto. No, it won’t be a fair fight – middleweight vs featherweight – 76 g vs 29 g. A king of Sparta vs The God of the Underworld. But on the other hand they are pretty equal:

Both are Swiss made – one made by robots and one made by, now retired, factory workers.

Both are chronographs, but with one big difference: the moonswatch apparently have detachable chronograph pushers – the Leonidas does not – at least not for the past 70-ish years.

The crystal is also more or less the same – soft and scratchy.

And they are both from 1950ies. Well, one actually is and the other one is the result of inbreeding since the 50ies with some obvious genetical defects as a result.

But on to our contenders obvious differences:

The Leonidas is smaller – 35 mm vs 42 mm. Well, things were smaller back then, but thanks to McDonalds most watches are now larger.

The case is also very different – plastic vs some ancient hard material – both scratched though.

The moonswatch could be disqualified for steroid usage: it got a coin cell battery, uses sci-fi case materials and modern velcro – all popularised some 70 years ago. But I’ll let it slide.

Lets get ready to rumble!

Round one – hit rate:

The moonswatch takes this round easily – it still keeps good time after a week and the Leonidas is losing several seconds a day.

Round two – trunks:

This one also goes to the moonswatch – it got three distinct colours: burgundy, beige and grey. Not a fantastic combo, but more colourful than the beige/silver combo of the senior.

Round three – pricefighter:

Almost a tie – the moonswatch was gifted to me and the Leonidas was lifted by me (eg. borrowed from my mother). But I have to give this one to the moonswatch since it was a gift.

Round four – promoter:

You should always favour marketing efforts over quality when shopping for watches – good looking brand ambassadors, expensive print ads and in this case very successful viral marketing gives this round to Pluto. And The Leonidas team need to embraced TikTok if they want to turn this fight around.

Round five – number of black eyes:

The moonswatch is going for the KO with three vs just two subdials on the Leonidas.

Round six – stamina:

With Leonidas now on the ropes it tries to strike back. The moonswatch is close to unworn and looks like a newborn compared to the Leonidas, but in a week or two Pluto will catch up and surpass the veteran. A close call, but as of today the moonswatch takes it.

Round seven – the belt:

The last and final round. And this is not even a fight – the moonswatch still got its original strap. The Leonidas does not.

7 vs 0. The Itchy & Scratchy show is over.