Does anybody else obsess over watch straps?

I would like to have 1 strap that I stick to for every watch that I own but I often end up switching. It slightly annoys me to be frank. I think for the most part I’ve narrowed it down now.. until next time. Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.

395 votes ·

Lol, that's nothing....👀🤏🏻.

Like that tan on the Bremont tho sharp! 🔥


At the point where each of my watches has at least one custom watch strap.



You're welcome


Lol, that's nothing....👀🤏🏻.

Like that tan on the Bremont tho sharp! 🔥


Haha bloody hell, that is nothing! Good lord, how do you manage?


Haha bloody hell, that is nothing! Good lord, how do you manage?

Randomly look through and pick one for the day.

This is after 17 years of being into watches too though.

Last several years I've been slowly replacing a lot of them with ZuluAlpha stuff.

Plus I get them as gifts, kinda like ties/socks from family members when they don't know what to get.

Prices range from Uber cheap CNS to the rather pricey ZuluAlpha. Though I have had good luck buying ZA stuff off eBay and/or bundling with friends to reach the minimum shipping amount from Britain.


I love straps.


I change straps on some of my watches almost every time I pick up the watch. I am rather excited to have recently ordered my first Erika’s Original MN the other day.


B or C, depending on the watch.


I just bought a boatload of the CTS FKM straps from AliEx. Now, I have too many too choose from…


I stick to one strap.... once I've decided which one it is!😕


Telling a watch collector he has too many straps is like telling a woman she has too many shoes. You're just looking for trouble....


I have multiple Bark and Jack Natos for each watch and a few Uncle Straps and Strapco


I usually find what I like on a particular watch and then stick with it. If I am confused about what to do I throw it on a mesh bracelet for a while. Most of the time this solves the crisis.


I don't have a huge number, but I used to switch fairly often. I've noticed that's reducing now - I'm appreciating bracelets more and once I find on I like, it tends to stick for a while!


If I get a new watch I pretty much have to make a strap for it. The most recent was making this for the Islander/UG field mechanical. Wanted a more Safari look.


Change your shorts? Change your watch strap too. For cleaning. Colors or style. You don't see your wife wear the same things every day and she has more fashion sense.


I'm more addicted to straps than I am to watches. Everything from bracelets to bunds.

I'm even making them in my free time now. Lol


Cambiando correas es la forma más barata de estrenar un mismo ⏱ todos los días, cambiando x atuendo o estado de ánimo.

En fin hay que disfrutar de la vida y los ⌚


I'm team C, but it was a nice journey to find the perfect ones. And now the others can rest in this case and my OCD is happy about it too 🤣


I just bought the same strap case.


I just bought the same strap case.

Considering I was keeping them in a gift box before, it is a much more elegant solution 🤣


I love changing the straps on my watches! It's like putting new rims on ur car! Makes me happy


For my dress watches, I like to have multiple straps especially since they're leather, I like to have a backup ready.


It’s kinda like there’s no perfect watch, theres no perfect strap either.


Not yet, but I’m beginning to own a few 😃👍


Lol, that's nothing....👀🤏🏻.

Like that tan on the Bremont tho sharp! 🔥


Your collection looks awesome, I meant to ask how do you like those Zulu Alpha straps? I haven’t committed to one of those yet but I’ve been looking at them for a while.


I change straps on some of my watches almost every time I pick up the watch. I am rather excited to have recently ordered my first Erika’s Original MN the other day.

Yeah me too unfortunately! It’s a headache sometimes! 🙈


I stick to one strap.... once I've decided which one it is!😕

Yeah I need to get to that level…


Not yet, but I’m beginning to own a few 😃👍

The rabbit hole is deep my friend.. be aware.


I love changing the straps on my watches! It's like putting new rims on ur car! Makes me happy

Yeah, it’s true. It refreshes the look and feel of wearing that watch for sure. Very satisfying.


Your collection looks awesome, I meant to ask how do you like those Zulu Alpha straps? I haven’t committed to one of those yet but I’ve been looking at them for a while.

Love them.

They are pricey, and the shipping can be spicy if you don't meet the minimum.

But love the design, the OG in particular. Using eBay and b/s/t posts on Facebook groups has helped in finding them cheaper. The OG variant is infinitely adjustable too.

And the WOE x ZuluAlpha collabs are very unique.