Rocking my first grail, and possibly all-time favorite watch, the Timex Humvee from 1998. 26 years later with adult money and this thing on my wrist, I still feel like an awe-struck teenager standing in front of the display case at JC Penny looking at the coolest thing ever, wishing I could own one someday.

If you have a watch you dreamt of having since you were a kid, share a picture and tell me about it.

I wore watches for years before ever setting eyes on the Timex Humvee, but THIS is the one that started a lifelong love affair with digital watches for me!


Nice one

Pretty gnarly aesthetic. Wearing that probably makes you an automatic recruit to help take down Skynet.

My white whale was Casio's scientific calculator. I had the one on the right but always wanted that black one. Problem was you could go years without seeing one pop up for sale and when they do, they're usually in bad shape.


A bit of patience and decades of waiting finally paid off.


Pretty gnarly aesthetic. Wearing that probably makes you an automatic recruit to help take down Skynet.

My white whale was Casio's scientific calculator. I had the one on the right but always wanted that black one. Problem was you could go years without seeing one pop up for sale and when they do, they're usually in bad shape.


A bit of patience and decades of waiting finally paid off.

It sure does, eventually! Mine wasn't nearly as rare as yours though!


Another banger! I love your collection Ben!


Another banger! I love your collection Ben!

Thank you! I like it to be fun and everything a little different and special.