Beautiful day in the UK today! Have a great day all 🍻


Interesting one with this Seestern, Mark! 🤙🏻


Have you replaced the original dial, Mark? Looks great. Have a great day in the sun, brother 😎


Interesting one with this Seestern, Mark! 🤙🏻

Cheers, Samuel! This is by far one of the best CN pieces I have owned! 👌🏻🍻


Have you replaced the original dial, Mark? Looks great. Have a great day in the sun, brother 😎

Cheers, Alex! 🍻 Not on this one mate, no. This is the original 👌🏻 I stripped my orange one down to make the Cussler mod 😁


Time to let that Seestern shine in all it's glory in the beautiful day! Cheers Mark 🍻


Time to let that Seestern shine in all it's glory in the beautiful day! Cheers Mark 🍻

Cheers, Nazrain! 🍻 I do love this one in the sun. That silver dial glistens 😍


Looks like a fantastic day Mark. Its cloudy, dreary and hot here. What a wonderful shot of this beauty. Enjoy your day buddy.


Beautiful chromed Seestern, Mark! Love the orange accents on this one.


Happy weekend 🎉 Mark. Enjoy the beautiful weather




Looks like a fantastic day Mark. Its cloudy, dreary and hot here. What a wonderful shot of this beauty. Enjoy your day buddy.

Cheers, James! It's the first day that's been this nice in a long time! Due rain and sleet next week though 😂 Have a great one mate 🍻


Beautiful chromed Seestern, Mark! Love the orange accents on this one.

Cheers, Han! The more I see your yellow one the more I want to treat myself 😂💛


Happy weekend 🎉 Mark. Enjoy the beautiful weather

Cheers, Dev! Much appreciated mate 🍻👊🏻



Cheers, Iskander 🍻👊🏻


That sunburst is enjoying the sun as much as you are Mark 💪 great shot 👏


These are such good pieces, nice one Mark 😁


You just nailed that outdoor shot Mark! Great shadow play and beautiful diver buddy 👏

Have a great weekend 🙏

Cheers, Kostas! Have a great one too! 🍻😁


The Seestern is looking strong today, Mark! Excellent capture of the sun hitting the dial.

Cheers, Rich! Much appreciated mate 🍻👊🏻


This hits the mark every time, I didn't do that deliberately 🎯 Have a great evening and Sunday 💯🙏

Cheers, Stu! Hope your having a great weekend 😁🍻


These are such good pieces, nice one Mark 😁

Cheers, Colin! 🍻😁


Cheers, Stu! Hope your having a great weekend 😁🍻

Suns out guns 💪🏻 out 🕺🏼


Love the contrast of orange and silver


Sweet, Mark! That silver dial is so shimmery!!👌


Very nice dude! Have a great weekend 👍


Cheers, James! It's the first day that's been this nice in a long time! Due rain and sleet next week though 😂 Have a great one mate 🍻

Enjoy it while you can.


That sunshine hitting on the dial is 🤌🏻🤌🏻Beautiful shot Mark!


Love the contrast of orange and silver

Cheers, Professor 😁🍻


Sweet, Mark! That silver dial is so shimmery!!👌

Cheers, Conrad! 😁🍻


Very nice dude! Have a great weekend 👍

Cheers, Ryan! Have a great one too 🍻😁


That sunshine hitting on the dial is 🤌🏻🤌🏻Beautiful shot Mark!

Cheers, Jaesoon 😁🍻