New Strap Alert: JLC MUT Moon
Swapped out the factory black leather strap with a more casual dark brown alligator leather strap + Omega style deployant clasp (my favorite clasp implementation).
What say you? Black or brown? 🤔
⌚JLC Master Ultra Thin Moon⌚
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I really like the contrast. It takes something a little austere and makes ever so slightly more sporty. Bravo!
Definitely the brown. It looks so very good. I took mine off the black alligator and put it on this butterscotch French croc strap -- it matches the color of the moon in the moonphase window and turned the watch from "I probably won't wear it but I want to" into "yep, wearing it again!"
This watch is so beautiful, it really doesn't matter. However, I've always been a fan of black straps
Both! 😍
It depends on the color of the shoes and the belt.
I think the brown helps the dial stand out but timestamp has a point about attire. Personally I think jazzy straps are the way forward for dress watches. You might want to try curved spring bars they have an effect even on straight straps.
Custom made gator leather strap from Vietnam
I love that watch. I just tried it on at a boutique. Looking at the blue
Brown 🤩
Brown strap looks like dark suite with brown leather shoes...inappropriate 😉
Brown fits much better witch white you can see on Watchworn post.
At this time factory knows what they do with black strap.
If you want something different, try burgundy, purple shades or lighter colours...👍
With that dial, I would suggest looking at a metal band. I bought a Polaris Geographic recently and was face with a similar decision. JLC doesn’t seem to be set up to sell bracelets on their web site at time of purchase and don’t offer them at all on their web site as an add on, but apparently some do exist. I had a conversation with my AD who confirmed that one existed for my watch, and she ordered it for me. Of the three bands I now have for that watch, the bracelet that didn’t come with it is easily my favorite.
She’s a 10
Brown strap looks like dark suite with brown leather shoes...inappropriate 😉
Brown fits much better witch white you can see on Watchworn post.
At this time factory knows what they do with black strap.
If you want something different, try burgundy, purple shades or lighter colours...👍
Purple isn't a bad idea, I'll consider that next