Owning Rolex vs Casio

Rolex is a popular and very high-tier brand. Casio is a popular brand that is all the way at the bottom. I'm curious to see how many of us own a Rolex vs a Casio! If this poll does well, I might continue this question with different brands... Timex vs Omega perhaps...
983 votes ·

Anyone who votes A is going to hell


Anyone who votes A is going to hell

More like D, which is where I'm at. Lol

I own 3 Rolex and used to have a g shock but sold it


I own one of both - a Rolex DJ and a Casio Worldtimer. Both are great.


Both great tool watches and used for very different things, and I am lucky enough to have both brands in my collection.


I think every watch fan boy (or girl) would have had or have a GShock in their drawer somewhere..


I think every watch fan boy (or girl) would have had or have a GShock in their drawer somewhere..

Not me yet... 😬


I own multiple of both


My son in law collects G-shocks my few enthusiast friends try not to mention it when we meet for a lunch.


Here's my perfect 3 steel sport watch collection. Change my mind 😉


God tier Casio. Rolex is way over hyped.


4 Rolex, 3 Casio, I guess I need another Casio to restore balance in the universe. 😀


Anyone who votes A is going to hell

Right?! How could you not at least try a Casio? They're more than just G-Shocks!


I've owned four Rolexes; they're all gone. I don't know how many Casios I have right now but it's well into the double digits. Here's my favorite:


One Rolex and multiple G shocks and Casio


Yeah, no Casio shit here, thank you. If we're talking over-hyped, Casio is right up there.


I upgraded from A to C last weekend!


Many from both


Good luxury watches yes. But I don’t see Rolex as high tier.


Anyone who votes A is going to hell

Or missing childhood.


I upgraded from A to C last weekend!

Way to repent.


Casio G-shock and Rolex Day Date here...


Casio G-shock and Rolex Day Date here...

Awesome! Classic.


Awesome! Classic.

3 Rollies but only 2 Casios…there’s sort of a “rule of 3s” in my watchbox so guess it’s time to get another gshock


3 Casio’s VS 1 Rolex


D and don’t plan on either.


3 Casio’s VS 1 Rolex


Awesome collection!!


D and don’t plan on either.

Why not?


D and don’t plan on either.

Don't want or need either of them. I can respect what both are but both don't really fit my needs/wants and most importantly my aesthetic sensibilities.