Do mineral glass crystals have a place?

How do you feel about mineral glass crystals?

Personally, I feel like they don't really have a place. Give me acrylic crystal for a non-reflective and vintage feel, and scratches can be buffed out; or give me sapphire, which basically doesn't scratch. Mineral crystal scratches, but it's hard to buff. The main advantage it has is cost--I'm annoyed at companies saving a few dollars by putting in mineral crystal.

On the other hand, I've heard that it is indeed possible to buff out scratches from a mineral crystal using a higher grade of Polywatch, and that it offers a more glass-like look than acrylic without being as reflective as sapphire -- all for a lower price than sapphire. And of course, there is the oft-used argument that mineral chips instead of shattering like sapphire.

Thoughts? Which camp are you in?


I have watches with mineral crystals and they are fine by me. No problems at all. I also have sapphire and acrylic,plexiglass, hesalite, and whatever else they are called and am happy with them too.

I like watches.


I also have all three kinds. They all work. I guess as long as you can see through them they are good.


I have no problem with them. Different price points have to hit certain targets.


If you're actually going diving with a watch, mineral would be nice for shatter resistance, but what are the chances that your dive computer AND a sapphire crystal will fail on the same dive? Not high, I imagine.


Too many watch collectors are obsessed with specifications; as if owning a watch with ‘better’ specifications means you somehow ‘win’ the watch ownership game


Fine by me. Buy whatever you like.


A rotary tool and diamond paste works well at buffing scratches from mineral glass. But I get what you're saying.


Too many watch collectors are obsessed with specifications; as if owning a watch with ‘better’ specifications means you somehow ‘win’ the watch ownership game

Ha, yeah. Really I just find myself enjoying the toughness of the sapphire crystals on my watches that have them, so it's not just about specs that don't matter in practice. 👍