
2 Following
12 hrs ago
Roswell, GA, USA
7.75” / 19.69 cm Wrist
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Grail!...not quite

If i cant swing getting my grail at rhe moment, at least i can get some kick ass art

Recent Comments

commented on Ever find brands that don't stick for you? ·

I was in complete agreement until I got to Omega. What is wrong with you? JK!

commented on My journey in one picture ·

Bottom right should be passed on to someone who doesnt own the other ones in the box

commented on Pared down collection ·

That Farer is Fire

commented on Unofficial orange appreciation day ·

I missed the memo about orange day yesterday but its been in n my wrist for a couple of days.

commented on Ding Dong ·

Hey honey, I’m just going to sit down at the end of the driveway for a while. No reason, I just like the heat and lack of shade today…..

commented on My first NWA of 2024 ·

Fantastic add and congrats on being strong enough to overcome your fear of impulse purchases with this great piece! :)

commented on New Titanium Pilot GMT ·

Not familiar with the brand but that dial color is great and the bezel unique (in a good way!)