Manga style Casioak: Which colour to get?

Hey Crunchers, this is my first poll and I need you opinion.

The Manga inspired G-Shock, the GA-2100MNG, is coming to my market here in Germany and I'll try to pick one up. 🤩

But I'm not sure yet which colour I should (try to) buy, the blue or the white model. 🤔 At first glance the blue one was my favourite, the colour just pops. But then the hand-drawn comic look is maybe more effective on the white one.

What do you think? Which one is your favourite?

80 votes ·

Only seen white ones posted so why not go blue


Id go blue, it's more interesting but the white one achieves the effect better.


I like the white by far. It fits the comic book aesthetic a lot better and is just very cool overall


I prefer the blue version. They sold out pretty quickly on the UK G Shock site yesterday, I managed to order both and hopefully they should be with me by Monday at the latest. I'd say if you can get both, they're both going to be desirable in years to come.


Id go blue, it's more interesting but the white one achieves the effect better.

Exactly. You see my dilemma?


I prefer the blue version. They sold out pretty quickly on the UK G Shock site yesterday, I managed to order both and hopefully they should be with me by Monday at the latest. I'd say if you can get both, they're both going to be desirable in years to come.

Wow, congratulations that you could get both. 👍 I'm curious about your impressions when got them.


Wow, congratulations that you could get both. 👍 I'm curious about your impressions when got them.

Thank you. 👍


I had the same dilemma when they went live yesterday! Went back and forth but settled on white. Its arrived and its ace!


Both awesome but I got blue in the end 😁



Update: Today was the day. The sale started at 10 am and both models were sold out quickly. I ordered them both. 😅

I'm not sure yet if I will keep both of them but now I can compare them side by side.