Memorial Day was Made for the Hero.

To the One in Blue who risks life and limb every normal day of every ten-hour shift…to the oxygen-masked Firefighter who snatches the infant from the smoke-filled room right before her crib ignites…to the maniacally-brave Soldier who jumps from the ramp of the landing Osprey and sprints toward the chaos instead of away from it!…I honor you. To all these folks…may Memorial Day be a great day for you…because it was made for you.


As I languish in my easy chair…I realize it was you who provided me this means…regardless of how useless and lazy a thing it is!

So to you, I don my Armitron Tactical digital watch and say…”I’ll be good god-damned if you guys don’t deserve this day!”

God bless!



Semper Fi 🇺🇸