
Haha, mission accomplished! Image


This shot is such a trip and I love that you posted it. So rebellious and I love it. 👏🤝


Lovely watch, lovely watch as always my friend!!


A great shot and a lovely watch! 😍


This shot is such a trip and I love that you posted it. So rebellious and I love it. 👏🤝

I wish my phone camera could allow me to change the aperture. I wanted the steps to be seen, but, oh well.


Such a good photo Dan! Citizen never looked so good. Keep em coming Buddy I’ll be here waiting 😉


Such a good photo Dan! Citizen never looked so good. Keep em coming Buddy I’ll be here waiting 😉

Glad you liked it Rusty. To think this Citizen just lay around my watch bin unloved for over two decades. 😂


This is fantastic. I thought it was an upside down shot until I realised the watch was the right way up. Now I'm thinking, maybe you're John Wick who wears his watch on the inside of his wrist.. I just don't know, my head is exploding 🤯

Whatever it is.. it's a great pic of a beautiful watch 😎


This is fantastic. I thought it was an upside down shot until I realised the watch was the right way up. Now I'm thinking, maybe you're John Wick who wears his watch on the inside of his wrist.. I just don't know, my head is exploding 🤯

Whatever it is.. it's a great pic of a beautiful watch 😎

Honestly, staircases look almost the same going up or down in the background with bokeh. All I did was flip the watch on my left wrist, took the picture, and then rotated 180. Fairly easy illusion, could have been done better with a real camera.


Honestly, staircases look almost the same going up or down in the background with bokeh. All I did was flip the watch on my left wrist, took the picture, and then rotated 180. Fairly easy illusion, could have been done better with a real camera.

The illusion worked for me.. I also use a phone, it's a case of needs must 👍🏻 I should add, that (in my case at least) using a phone helps keep things simple.