Every Swatch, I mean watch, tells a tale.

I've had this Swatch for well over 30 years, and it is my most storied watch.

I graduated from high school and university wearing this watch, ticking in time with the drone of instructors through countless lectures, and providing that anxiety-ridden countdown during examinations.

I wore this watch as a missionary in the Bay Area for two years. It has seen the mean streets of Oakland both by day and by night. It has been with me to witness the beauty of the morning fog weaving through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

It was there when I first met my future wife, and there again seven years later on our first date. This was the watch on my wrist when the Berlin Wall fell, and it was there again when the world stopped on 9/11.

I took this Swatch on the longest road trip I had ever driven - a 7500 km odyssey of epic proportions. It witnessed the rental company's shock at the odometer reading when I returned the vehicle, having made full use of their unlimited mileage offer. It has travelled through every major population center on the Pacific coast of North America minus Alaska and northern British Columbia in Canada.

It has been to Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Mexico and Hawaii. It has peered into the Grand Canyon’s majestic depths, and ascended to the breathtaking heights of the Canadian Rockies.

Through some of my life's greatest joys and tremendous sorrows, this watch has been an unwavering presence on my wrist.

Every watch tells a tale. Which timepiece has been the custodian of your stories?


Amazing history, that make the watch extra special.


Wow! What a true timepiece that is!