30Day Badge

Today I got my 30 day badge. 30 different watches, out of the 30 I only wear 11 in my rotation, and 3 in my work rotation. A total of 14 watches. That means 16 of them could go. So why buy more? How many is enough and how many is to many? I know this answer is different for everyone. But why keep buying, they all do the same thing. Tell time.


If the only thing watches did was tell us the time, why have more than say, 3 (a beater, GADA, dress)? Or even just one?

No, watches can transport us back to our past, connect us to our forebearers, make us smile, help us appreciate that time is both infinite and limited & so much more.

Too many for me? I'm reaching that limit at about 30, if not surpassed it. I have some novelty & cheaper watches I've sort of outgrown that just do not get wrist time. Even though some don't get that "all important" wrist time, they do still bring joy. Others though (coughInvictacough) just need to go.


I have a core collection: GS Shunbun, Nomos Tangente Tiefseegrau, a handful of Tissots, and a vintage gold Hamilton tank. Then I have a few quartz that I will wear when I get batteries in them. A few sentimental pieces.

I will be adding my ultimate dress watch: Cartier Tank Must large on the bracelet next year.

I will also be adding a diver at some point. The white Rado Captain Cook, Baltic Aquascaphe Classic Blue Gilt, or Zelos in blue are the current contenders.

I feel that will be a complete watch box for me.