CW (C) and a Spaniel Wednesday. Really enjoying this and all nato straps should have great keepers like this! Caveat: Spaniels (and the watch) aren't just for Wednesdays.
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Richard Tucker
Fairly new to mechanical watches. Engineering Geologist by trade. Former rugby player, now just lift weights and eat. Welsh rugby fan for my sins. Like a good single malt.
Monmouthshire, UK
Member since
Last active: 17 minutes ago
in collection
17.78 cm
where can one find this nato?
where can one find this nato?
This one came with the watch from CWC (they also make the keepers). I've also ordered a stretch one from them and another keeper. I believe the company that makes them is Phoenix Straps ltd, who I don't think sell online etc and just to companies.
This one came with the watch from CWC (they also make the keepers). I've also ordered a stretch one from them and another keeper. I believe the company that makes them is Phoenix Straps ltd, who I don't think sell online etc and just to companies.
darn! the hunt begins