Pubic cervix announcement: Rice doesn't dry electronics or watches

If rice took in moisture from the air in any significant way then it would get soggy just from being in a cupboard.

Putting your wet device in a bag/jar of rice will only keep moisture in because there's less availability of dry air.

There are real methods of drying things. Rice isn't one of them. There's debunking videos on YouTube.

What you can do with rice is cook it and eat it. I honestly think it's pretty good.


WTH!? What kind of dark magic is this?


Oh yeah? Then why do they put beads of rice bracelets on watches????!!!!!!!!!!11111111111


I got my orange monster wet after washing my hands so I put it in a bag of rice over night and the next day it was completely dried 🤯


I got my orange monster wet after washing my hands so I put it in a bag of rice over night and the next day it was completely dried 🤯

Instant proof!


I got my orange monster wet after washing my hands so I put it in a bag of rice over night and the next day it was completely dried 🤯

Sorry I mean instant rice.


Exactly WHO has the public cervix? And is law enforcement aware? 😂


I got my orange monster wet after washing my hands so I put it in a bag of rice over night and the next day it was completely dried 🤯

Also please stop referring to your penis as your "orange monster".


Exactly WHO has the public cervix? And is law enforcement aware? 😂

Sorry that was a typo. I meant PUBIC cervix.


Oh yeah? Then why do they put beads of rice bracelets on watches????!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

Fun snack


WTH!? What kind of dark magic is this?

No need to bring race into this.


No need to bring race into this.

Dark magic


Sorry that was a typo. I meant PUBIC cervix.

Oh, well done! 🏆